jj n° 3

Elin's singing is the sound of heaven. 
jj's music is the pure joy.
They don't make greatest albums of all time.
They make the music that you listen to over and over again.

New Music For Me

Thanks to Heather! She introduced me this wonderful new voice. When I heard this song, I was astounded when she cry out "Angels will fall on me and take me to my home". The highly emotional energy in her voice really got me shivering.

Everywhere I Go - Lissie

Little Scout
I got to know them from the Camera Obscura gig. I was very very pleased to see such a beautiful opening band. They look great, and play great music. I bought their Ep after the show, fantastic! Indie pop band from Brisbane. If you ask me  what do they lack, I'd say a smashing debut album.

Guided by Voices
I only heard two of their songs on youtube which my friend sent me. I know I will love this band. Definitely will check out more of their albums.

The Fauns
Not a very special band. They play the music that other bands play too. But, the album is a great soundtrack choice if you're ready for floating or a dreamy state. This is "Road Meets Sky":

The first song I listened was a remix of Round One by Gucci Mane. I downloaded it from sincerely yours website, and I'm still lovin' it. I don't know how to describe their music, the only phrase I could come up with is in Chinese: 鬼打牆. Not sure how I could translate that. As We Make It Good describes it, "Pink socks, a dirty mattress, wallpaper peeling off the walls, empty cough syrup bottles, and soiled wall to wall carpeting all come to mind after repeated listens to this new Salem mix." Hope that makes some kind of introduction of Salem.

L'argent de poche (Small Change)

Absolutely enchanting!!!
François Truffaut, you're a master!
Words are not enough to describe the magic this movie brings.

See You Later, You're Just Somebody That I Used To Know

See You Later

Somebody That I Used to Know

These songs go out to a fan of Elliott Smith.
Now, piss off!!!

I Wanna Be a Dog

Me: Haha, I just saw a comment on youtube. "I wanna be a dog!"

A: Yeah, that's probably what he's singing while he got high. But when he sobers up, he realised how inappropriate it sounds and changed it to "I wanna be adored".

Me: XDDDDDD....nice man!

Your Days of Plenty Are Numbered

I almost forgot how much I like this movie.
I almost forgot how good its soundtrack is.
I almost forgot that "Every heart is a revolutionary cell."
I almost forgot how good this movie is.

I haven't been listening to Jeff Buckley for a long time.
It's depressing but refreshing.

Jan said in the film "I wish to see things in a larger content".
I wished the same, I want to know everything!
Why is he so rich for doing nothing?
Why is she still poor after working for all her life?
But there's no why. It's just the way the world is.
The rich stays rich, and the poor stays poor.
The bourgeois stays bourgeois.
Great ideas survived, while the revolutionaries keep on vanishing...

Alas for mankind!

L'amour l'après-midi (Love in the Afternoon)

First of all, R.I.P: Eric Rohmer. He passed away about two weeks ago.

My first Eric Rohmer's movie is L'ami de mon amie (Boyfriends and Girlfriends). I wasn't impressed at all. The setting is beautiful, acting is good, but the story? I don't know, it's pretty average. Just like an average tv comedy drama that only runs for an hour and a half. To be honest, I don't think it's that funny at all...

However this movie is on a different level.

Frédéric leads a bourgeois life; he is a partner in a small Paris office and is happily married to Hélène, a teacher expecting her second child. In the afternoon, Frédéric loves to go to the Café to have his sandwiches, also he loves to observe all kinds of woman in the busy streets of Paris. He imagined all kinds of possibilities to have connection with the surrounding beauties. I particularly love this part of the film. Simply because it happened to me as well. I was in a classroom with 30 girls, and 2 or 3 guys but i'll ignore them for now. It's a very difficult situation. I acknowledge their youthful beauties surrounding me. I wish I was with any one of them, or everyone of them. I imagine all kinds of things, flirting with them, kissing them. But, they only exist in my imagination. Actually I didn't have any intention to talk to them, because I was in a relationship, a relationship when I couldn't see my lover for a long time. I find it more or less like a torture. "see her? what a beautiful creature she is! it's right here! no, you can't have it!" This is basically what this film is about.

Then there comes Chloe. A beautiful woman, cynical about men, confident of her power of seduction. Of course, she is the ultimate fantasy of any male. Could Frédéric overcome Chloe's challenge against his own monogamy mortality? Is this real love or is this a game? Even if he turned down Chloe and be faithful to Hélène, is Hélène faithful to him the way he does?

It's a good movie! I should check out other moral tales!

**spoilers** I have a feeling that Hélène actually cheated on him. That's why she cried right?

Camera Obscura + Little Scout @ The Zoo 22/1/2010

jj n° 2.1

fuckin' A! I got jj n° 2.1!!!!!!

I Don't Love Anyone

I don't love anyone
You're not listening
You're playing with something
You're playing with yourself

Heaven's On Fire

Heaven's On Fire

'Clinging To A Scheme' will officially be released in March 2010 directly from Labrador Records' online store.

Up In The Air



越來越喜歡George Clooney。

You don’t know how much you mean to me

I’m on my way to the USA
So give me your address
And I will send you
The only white dove from New York City
To call out your zip code in the Grand Canyon
I know you don’t really read my letters
The very thought of not knowing
The exact location of the room
Where we shared our last kiss
Will eventually kill me

Cause it wasn’t just any kiss
It wasn’t like our first
Or our second kiss
Or our millionth kiss
But it was a perfect kiss
It was a kiss we had been working on forever

I guess I should be ashamed
I’ve already caused so much trouble
I had something going on with another girl
And then another one after that
I just couldn’t get you out of my head
So I grew tired of them
You know, I had I plan that involved you
But maybe that’s not a very good idea

Cause I know you have a guy now
And I know that you’re happy
Living your life the way you do

And I’m not here to ask you to change your life
I guess I just wanna let you know how I feel about you
I just wanna go on with my life you know

I’m in Bloomington tonight and I miss you
Feels like all I’ve accomplished means nothing
Feels like my whole existence and history has been erased
I opened up a sealed envelope and it contained an eternity
Of memories that I’ve never experienced
So I can't explain this in one sentence now
I just keep going on
You know, I had a plan
That involved getting on with my life
But maybe that’s not a very good idea

I’m alone now
I would be so afraid if someone put their arms around me

You don’t know how much you mean to me

time to break away

sorry to hear about the burdens.
when i'm in situations like these i usually go to the highest place i can find and evaluate the situation. i stand there on a rooftop or a mountain, whatever is close by, and weigh one thing against another against myself.
there's something in the air up there.
you will know when it's time to break away.
yours in the fight.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

I guess I can appreciate the idea of this film, and its importance during the period of cold war and assassination of JFK.
But I think it's a bit overrated. Maybe I just don't like the film that much. I guess I can never be a Stanley Kubrick's fan.

However, I love the comical parts in the film. Such as the conversations between Mr. President and Dimitri. It's just ludicrous. And Dr Strangelove's classic strange behaviors and talks. The ratio of ten woman to each man. And Major Kong's orgasm while riding the nuclear bomb. But the most spectacular thing about this film is Peter Sellers, he plays three characters in this film including Captain Mandrake/ Mr President/ Dr Strangelove. If I didn't watch the making of the film, I have no idea that they were just one person. Marvelous!

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

Paris, Texas (1984) 巴黎德州


我看的是DVD,重新經過處理過得畫面。他媽的簡直美得不像話。就算說它是充滿詩意的畫面,可能都不能解釋它到底有多美。配上 Ry Cooder 那充滿孤寂的藍調吉他,在德州這荒野真是他媽的讚!

故事本身也是超級。超級的棒!看著 Travis 背對著他老婆,緩緩道出他們的過去,將本片一開始丟出的謎團一一解開。這一幕真的...太棒了。非常非常的感人。還有這片的主角 Travis 不斷的提到他的母親,和家人包括他爸和他哥哥/弟弟。這點也是我非常喜歡的。

在IMDB蒐尋過後,發現Kurt Cobain 最喜歡的電影就是這部片。我想這是可以理解的。Nastassja Kinski在片裡的形象跟現實生活中的Courtney Love 非常相似。就連那個金髮小男孩都與Kurt Cobain好相似。

聽過 Wim Wenders 這名字好幾次了,其中包括受小津安二郎影響的導演。這是我的第一部。非常非常的 impressed。

在 Wiki 搜尋過後,發現了:
1. M83 在同名專輯的 "She Stands Up" 裡採樣了這部電影的對白,並且一直不斷的repeat。
2. U2 把這部電影視為創作他們經典專輯 The Joshua Tree 的主要靈感。看完這部電影,在看看專輯的曲名,"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For","Running to Stand Still","Mothers of the Disappeared","With or Without You"。It could not be any clearer。
3. Primal Scream 在首張經典專輯 Screamadelica 裡的 "I'm Comin' Down" 的末端也取樣了Nastassja Kinski 的話 "Yup, I know that feeling"。
4. Travis 也自己聲稱他們的團名是來自這部電影的主角。
5. Elliott Smith 也說過這是他這輩子最愛的電影之一。

靠,這些資訊嚇到我了。當我在圖書館挑到這部片時,只想說"嗯,是 Wim Wenders 的片。看一下好了。"

題外話,昨天看的電影 (Fargo) 跟今天看的都有不講話的人。 "I can be silent too you know!"

Fargo (1996)

I love this movie. Hilarious. Scary. Realistic. Beautiful.
Frances McDormand won Oscar for her role in this movie.
She deserves it. It's just a wonderful character, and well-portrayed.
This is a interesting quote: [On how she got the part in Fargo (1996)] "The fact that I'm sleeping with the director may have something to do with it." Haha...
Steve Buscemi... Haha, the funny-looking guy in general kind of way. He's just so funny...
And the yah yah yah...the funny accent!

God, I love Coen Brothers' dark comedies!

here you go, my world is sincerely yours

I wish I have this song...
We're born to live this kind of life
Life of desperation and seperation


我好喜歡這部片啊!!! 非常好笑,非常浪漫,非常感人!

周潤發演的「船頭舵」演得真好。從來都沒有看過這樣的他,平常看到的他都是大哥級的人物或是拿著維士比喊 "福氣啦!"的中年男子。在這部電影裡演個市井小民,沒甚麼成就而且好賭的人,最重要的,他是一個活在紐約但是很俗很土的中國人。像這類的對白:「外國老唱歌仔戲 (Opera) 有啥好看的?」,「外國人的蔥油餅 (Pizza) 有甚麼好吃的?」還有他經典的台詞:「女人真是 "茶煲 (Trouble)"」這種動不動就硬把英文翻成的中文的玩笑真是正中我下懷,不過我要說的是他俗爆了!但我好喜歡他這個角色。


還有結局也是一絕!抄了一個很經典的故事,但是畫面的處理和配樂真的... 真的很感人!

The Big Blue

this is a very very beautiful film...

I think the main guy is very well casted. His portray is so convincing. On the other hand, I don't really like the girl, Johana. In fact, I don't like the plot, it's got too many flaws. But seeing him floating with the dolphins in the sea just takes me away... And the ending is marvelous (the French one).

There're two scenes I like the most:

  1. Drinking Champagne in the pool
  2. The ocean in his bedroom
I think whenever I want to escape to the sea, I will watch this!

Le grand bleu (1988)

Let's Take a LSD Trip

I switch on the TV, and saw this wonderful documentary about Rock and Roll, Seven Ages Of Rock from ABC. But I think to myself, those days, especially in the sixties, people were out there making history, playing good music to massive crowds. Like David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Roxy Music. Now people who love good music are staying home listening to the albums that their friends have absolutely no ideas of. Maybe you have lots of cool indie kids as friends, but I don't. I can only stay home browsing through youtubes and strangers' blogs and see if there are music that I like. If I am lucky, I will find some and go to the gigs alone. Such as life... Watching this documentary takes me back to those time, seeing these amazing and brilliant performances. Still, I rather be there, taking drugs, listening to music, imaging myself as an albatross hanging motionless upon the air. Insanity, madness, surrealism... what's new now? Can anyone tell me?

The Velvet Underground

Ziggy Stardust

Pink Floyd - Astronomy domine

Roxy Music - Remake/Remodel

Genesis - I Know What I Like

阿 Paul

順便做一下工商服務,1/29日黃貫中會去台北的 Legacy 開演唱會。


*我看不懂 你是若即若離
我想不通 你令我一敗塗地
誰在午夜裡面奏著這歌 彷彿要問我和你 可有未來

#無需要求一世 但求一點點或就讓我 永遠守在你身旁
如可以來生會可以好一點 或就讓我 某日再認識你


回想起當天一起走過的日子裡 縱是怕仍無顧慮
一臉地迷惑不懂得的悲哀 盼與你會有個將來

*是現實定還是真的長大了 各奔向未來
未能實踐 這半生的錯愛

#沒辦法給你 給你一段愛可驚天動地
未能為你 天天的報喜
迷途是我 只因我沒法將一切儲備
用來為你 知否我沒法不要 去把你放棄

憧憬起某天終會有好的日子過 以愛換愛無用更改
生活是平淡 總不擔心三餐 盼與你渡過這艱難

the sea...

that little black thing is a dolphin's fin... i wanna see Luc Besson's The Big Blue. i wanna swim with dolphins in the sea...




但是離我平常會去 live pub 很近。酷。

已經去sincerely yours 訂了 jj 的白色黑膠
不知甚麼時候會到。新歌pure shores 也好聽。

甚麼時候才可以戒掉 NBA 的遊戲呢?

現在在看 revolutionary road,我想我會比較喜歡書。



為何在這裡  疲倦像半醉
曾在這空間  跟你相擁抱

* 只有唏噓的追憶  無言落寞的流淚
誰在這晚裡  放縱與他溫馨

**無盡空虛  似把刀鋒靜靜穿過心窩  WOO
期待的愛  怎麼一生總不可碰到  WOO

仍然在這裡  無力像半醉
誰令我的心  此際多冰冷

不能沒有你 + 候鳥


