Rabbit Remembered

I love the Rabbit series too much. 
This is so good, so forgiving, so bittersweet, so "life".


Director/Writer: Cameron Crowe
Cast: Bridget Fonda, Campbell Scott, Kyra Sedgwick, Matt Dillon 
Music: Paul Westerberg
Year: 1992

"I've always been able to do this, break up with someone and never look back. Being alone: there's a certain dignity to it."
"Guys do like to be called."
"If I had a personal conversation with God, I would ask him to create this girl."
"I was just nowhere near your neighborhood."

This is quite a typical romance comedy, but with a cool indie setting. Chicks are pretty, guys are stupid. Everything is nice, and fun to watch. But, the music, is so fucking good. Beside the grunge sound, which I am not very familiar with, the two songs written by Paul Westerberg are just perfect for the film. Also, with a touch of Jimi Hendrix and The Smashing Pumpkins. If you know Cameron Crowe, you know he loves music. If you love music, you can not not love his films, even they are commercial and not very good (isn't grunge commercial too?).

My Rating: 8/10 (The music boosts the score by at least 3)

The Plague by Camus

這本書並不容易看。必須要很有耐心,因為這是本歷史加哲學的書。歷史當然是卡謬捏造出來的,卡謬根據以前曾經發生過的鼠疫/瘟疫/天譴(我不知道那個翻譯才算正確),重新編寫在一個他想像的城市。這城市可以算是現代的城市,正當我們覺得科學進步,生活優裕的時候。瘟疫感染了城市,而必須做封閉措施,整個城市和外界不在有接觸,新聞報紙每天播的都是瘟疫的消息。這樣的世界,人類還在意甚麼?這樣的封閉的環境給了當地的居民,許多討論哲學的空間。因為都要死了,所以做甚麼都無所謂嗎?人們彼此互相不打招呼只怕被別人感染到?而活著的人卻完全不知道何時瘟疫才會結束?我們在逃避甚麼?當戀人不在身邊,而身邊充滿了死亡,愛還有意義嗎?整個故事到中間才開始精彩,而且就哲學的理論,和對人性的觀察,卡謬寫的真的很精彩!這是繼他的處女作- "異鄉人" 後的作品,可以看得出來這是一步相當有野心的作品,而且完整性也比 "異鄉人" 高很多。很多經典文學作品的作家都是這樣,像是 John Updike的 Rabbit, Run,人人都說是經典必讀。是沒錯,他們的成名作通常把他們的想法表現出來,可是他們之後的作品才是真的逐漸成熟後的作品。

看這本書的時候,我常常想到台灣得到 SARS的那幾年,那是我唯一比較接近書裡描述的情境。雖然我沒辦法將自己的親身經驗和書裡相比,因為我根本記不得當時發生了甚麼事,除了新聞在報導死亡人數,強調要帶口罩外,真的記不得了。就算現實生活中經歷過,也不會比書裡描述的還要真實,因為我們只是活在自己的小小的生活圈裡,而這本書裡的角色涵蓋了醫生,官員,牧師,新聞記者,病患,軍人,平民百姓,從災難中撈取暴利的商人,每個人的價值觀和哲學,都不是我們能從生活中的輕易得到的。有人曾跟我說過,我根本就活在幻想 (Fictional) 的世界,活在我的書,活在我的電影,活著別人假想的故事裡。當時聽到有點震撼到,因為我從來不曾注意過這點。但經過我的深思後,我覺得我喜歡這些故事的原因很簡單,因為他帶給我的不只是事情發生的先後順序,更帶給我許多的內省的想法 (Insight)。這是現實生活中所缺少的,可能是因為我生活本來就無趣,而且身邊的人似乎比我還更無趣,更糟的是他們居然不知道他們有多無趣!

Get Some

just when i was enjoying the sweet "Little Bit" by lykke li
she dropped this... "Get Some", b-side "Paris Blue" here
this is some filthy lyrics, but i like it a lot
by the way, did you know in "Little Bit", she actually sings "for you, i will keep my legs apart" ? I just realised that today. gosh, how adorable!


今天去逛唱片行,去了一家平常常去看的二手唱片行,印象中他被我歸類為老舊的唱片行。這是一家很妙的店,裡面甚麼都賣,卡帶,海報,衣服,黑膠,書籍,雜誌,賣一大堆亂七八糟的東西。不過我平常都是去逛黑膠,他黑膠收藏的量之多,不過大多都是很舊的唱片。像是 The Everly Brothers,或是 Donna Summer 這類的唱片。今天去看,主要是想要找 Françoise Hardy 或是 Singles Soundtrack 的黑膠唱片。結果兩個都沒找到,卻讓我找到一間密室,充滿寶藏的密室。裡面也是一大堆唱片,我先在 Joy Division/New Order 區看了一下,居然有 "Ceremony" 的十二吋黑膠,我看到整個大嗨!雖然不是我夢想中那白色和淺藍色的封面,但是卻是原版深綠色的。接著,在其他區翻翻,又找到 The Replacements 的 Stink 黑膠,跟 Don't Tell A Soul 黑膠。看到時真的是超級無敵的爽。接著在 J區,又找到了 JAMC "April Skies" 的十二吋黑膠。在 S 區,有 The Smiths A面是"Sheila Take A Bow",B面是 "Is It Really So Strange"/"Sweet and Tender Hooligan"還有 Stone Roses "Sally Cinnamon" 的十二吋。也找到我之前找都找不到的 Tom Waits 黑膠唱盤。在那間小小的密室裡,我隨便翻翻就拿了五張黑膠我真的很想買的,如果隨便拿的話,應該可以拿個四五十張吧。因為上面都沒標價錢,我拿去櫃檯問,準備打算把這幾張黑膠帶回家。結果問了一下,十二吋單曲一張要 AU$30,專輯則要一張 AU$40,算成台幣差不多一張黑膠一千塊左右。這個價錢,我實在是買不下手。而且店員告訴我,那間平常是不能進去的。也是阿,這些唱片如果隨便擺在外面早就被人家買走了,還輪的到我。唉,是白開心了一場。不過,真的,我好想買 "Ceremony" 跟 "April Skies" 這兩張單曲黑膠...

搖擺吧, 莫里西!

The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again Live Nottingham 21 Oct 86
Oh my, this is fucking brilliant!

Cutest Song

"The Polaroid Song" (2009)
02 Will You Please Spend New Years Eve With Me?
Download both songs from the 7" + artwork for FREE here

both of these singles are super. 
especially the second single,  Will You Please Spend New Years Eve With Me? these lyrics are so very lovely. 

"we can hide in my bedroom and watch cartoons all night"
"we can play nintendo if you let me win, but you are super competitive with these things, that's okay, i don't mind, let's make popcorns, do you feel like watch Harold and Maude?" (heart)

The Silence

Director/Writer: Ingmar Bergman
Cinematography: Sven Nykvist
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Gunnel Lindblom, Jörgen Lindström
Year: 1963

Yes, Bergman never gets bad.
I would consider this film, sort of like an experiment, kind of surreal one.
After seeing lots of Bergman's films, I realised that his films often explore the relationship between females, whether they are sisters, friends, and mother/daughter. It's quite peculiar.
And this one is about sex, lust, desire, and emotional corruptions.
In the trilogy, the order would be:
Winter Light > The Silence > Through a Glass Darkly
They are all great nonetheless.

My Rating: 8/10

Public Strain

Some called this album, album of the year. Some think this is the sound of a young band still exploring the depths of their burgeoning sound. What do I think? I think this is a major brain-fucker, and I love getting fucked in the brain listening to this album. I don't know what else to say, let the music speak for itself, or let other people say what I feel.

"How haunting and alone this album feels is what makes it stand out so much. But I don't want to give the impression that this LP is nothing but a mopey, self-loathing piece of trash. It's far from it. It's more like the sound of one man's insanity after hearing nothing but silence for an entire year. A weird description, I know, but it's how I feel about this record."


Ohh... Stop it (sniffs)
Feeling pressured?
Call Lovelines

Do you know that The Sunday's B-sides are really really good?

Official Sundays Promo Pic from 1992 Blind Press Kit - Harriet Wheeler and David Gavurin
Harriet Wheeler's voice will always be one of my favourites.

Gone (b-side to the single for Summertime)

Nothing Sweet (b-side to the single for Summertime)

Through the Dark (b-side to the single for Cry)

Life Goes On (b-side to the single for Cry)

My Mousehole

Reading this book is like constantly stabbing at my own heart. Even when I was reading Camus' The Stranger, i didn't feel as terrible as when I was reading this book. How could Dostoyevsky wrote such a book, if he wasn't the underground man? The suffering is indeed personal, but immense, and universal. I read the exact book as the picture shown above, Signet Classic version, which included other short stories by Dostoyevsky. So far, I love everything from I've read in this book. Now I gotta read more Dostoyevsky - The Idiot, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, The Possessed, everything really.

New Order, BBC, 1984

我一直認為New Order是看起來最不搖滾的搖滾天團。

Unknown Pleasure by Peter Hook @ Tivoli 27/09/10

對於不可能看到 Joy Division 的現場表演,這已經是最好的替代品了。一個很有誠意,也很嗨的演出,by Peter Hook。

The Passion of Joan of Arc

Director: Carl Theodor Dreyer
Writers: Joseph Delteil, Carl Theodor Dreyer
Cast: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, André Berley
Year: 1928

This is just as powerful as anything I have ever seen, perhaps more powerful. Plenty of facial close-ups to show expressions of pain, fear, evil, but at the same time Dreyer is able turn these human expressions into beautiful art frame after frame. To portrait a story like Joan of Arc is no easy job, but this is done marvelously.

My Rating: 10/10