Smiles of a Summer Night

"For the sad, the depressed, the sleepless, the confused, the frightened, the lonely. "

Absolutely an amazing film by Ingmar Bergman again.
Sometimes, the world is full too much of sad miserable reality, and we need something as good and as positive as this film. In that poster, Frid, the guy said "I won't live a life that's better than this." Just think that for a second, would I ever truly say that from the bottom of my heart? I doubt it. This is such a lovable film. All the characters are so lovely, even the Count. The lines are really great too. Just so lovely!

"Even I'm so tired up of people, I'll never stop loving them."
"If people knew the evil caused by listening to others, they would not care about listening and would be far happier."

Sommarnattens leende (1955)

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