Raging Bull

I have seen Million Dollar Baby, Raging Bull, The Wrestler.
Raging Bull is the best, simply because it's not all about boxing.
It's an emotionally self-destructive boxer, Jake La Motta's journey through life, as the violence and temper that leads him to the top in the ring, destroys his life outside it.

Robert De Niro's performance is remarkable, along with Joe Pesci and Cathy Moriarty.
Martin Scorsese has also done a marvellous job with directing.

I don't particular like the story very much, but the movie afterwards hit me with such an impact that I don't really know how to describe it. Also while I was watching the film, I kept thinking about Ryū Murakami's words.
People who requires excessive things, also requires some of the things which are beyond their own control; they often refuse the language of salvation."

Speak the truth before God.
We know this fellow is a sinner.
Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know, The man replied.
All I know is this: Once I was blind and now I can see.
- John IX, 24-26 / the New English Bible

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