Midnight in Paris

Director/Writer: Woody Allen
Stars: Owen Wilson, Marion Cotillard, Rachel McAdams and Kathy Bates
Year: 2011

My Rating: 7/10

As an admirer of Woody Allen's works, I feel a little unsatisfied and disappointed with this movie. Taking about pseudo-intellectuals, this is a perfect movie for pseudo-intellectuals. Just name-check all the great writers, painters, artists... put a picturesque montage of Paris in front, then there you have a highly artistic and intellectually stimulating movie. Well, I don't buy it. I wonder how these great writers would feel if they knew that after 90 years, they were going to be acted out in a fantasy, time-travelling movie.  And, the movie is not that funny...

Good things now, yes, the picturesque montage reminds me of Manhattan, how Woody Allen used to be blabbing about how great the city is. Owen Wilson is great, being the neurotic stand-in for Woody Allen. Marion Cotillard is simply stunning, it's crazy how so many French actresses are so pretty and talented. About Paris, I... personally don't have any feelings toward it yet.

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