
Saul Bellow has just become one of my favourite writers of all-time. I, "am" Herzog, in many ways. This is another novel that has dug deep into a character's psychological mind, apart from Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground, which is another novel of "me". I have taken something like 20 to 30 pages of notes from Herzog. I don't even know how to describe the book to you. It's too personal.

Here, I throw this question, because I have been thinking about it,
"What is good literature? "

For me, good literature isn't about the smartness of wording, it definitely isn't about good storyline or awards or sales figure, and it's not so much about style. I guess for me, it's more to do with the deep understanding of characters and the universe (this, I mean everything, family, lovers, society, culture, ideology, you name them) surrounding them, the deeper the better. Is that it? No, but words always fail me, and I'll let myself fail.

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