A Distance Shore

今天我去二手唱片行,賣了 The Liars 和 Joanna Newsom 兩張專輯,在加了一些錢買了這張 Tracey Thorn 的 A Distance Shore。本來不是很想買這張的,因為封面上有許多的斑點,整個看起來又舊又髒。雖然我很想聽,但我想我應該可以買到其他更好的。可是在唱片行逛了很久,卻沒有看到特別想買的,不是太貴就是沒聽過的名字。所以,最後,我還是把這張抱回家了。它已經二十七歲了,這些斑點是可以原諒的。這張是 Tracey Thorn 在 1982 年,她二十歲時推出的個人專輯,裡面只有八首歌。

關上所有的燈,放上唱片,聽完 side one ,再換到 side two 。聽完把針頭放回到開頭再聽了一遍 side two,再換到 side one。最後一首由 Femme Fatale做為結尾。就像老闆買給我時說的那樣,這是一張相當棒的專輯。簡單的設計,簡單的音樂,但 Tracey Thorn 彈著她的吉他 ,用他極富感情的聲音,唱著令人省思的歌詞。我只能說這張專輯,來的正是時候。

關於這張專輯,我非常非常的喜歡。下面是我找到的 1982年的 interview

How would you sum up the mood of 'A Distant Shore'?

"Quite thoughtful I suppose. People say they relax to it but I can't relax to it at all. I play it and it puts me all on edge! The music is relaxing but the lyrics certainly aren't. I'd hate it to be thought of as background music."

Speaking generally, everything that you've put out has been well received by the media. How much do good reviews mean to you personally? Do you think they help 'validate' what you've done?

"Clearly, if you are writing personal songs, it's very important to have people reassure you and day it's worthwhile and you're not just writing indulgent, sentimental love songs.

"Someone told me that the Marine Girls' 'On My Mind' made them cry. That was incredible. The opinions of friends are as worthy as reviewers. I would hate to be acclaimed just on a critical basis. I like to think the songs can mean something to people on personal terms rather than how well played or produced they are."

Small Town Girl

Some things are better left unsaid
Feelings can get left behind
So keep your love and I'll keep mine

Simply Couldn't Care

Why do these things bother me so
Why do I lie awake so long after you go
Arguments just prove we're not the same
We'll end up talking to ourselves
And it seems a shame

Femme Fatale

Plain Sailing

Sure that you know but you never can tell
When I think I understand you so well
Shakes me that you were a constant surprise
Or so you appear in my eyes

Too Happy

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