Blue Velvet (1986)

This is a strange world.
And here is a very strange film...
I think I can say that I'm not a David Lynch fan.
But here's what I want to share: Inappropriate times to quote Blue Velvet (from IMDB Boards)
  1. Your house is broken into and the detective begins asking you more personal questions. You look at him and say “I can't figure out if you're a detective or a pervert.” 
  2. To your doctor during a physical: “Do you like the way I feel?” 
  3. You're driving. You come across a wrecked car and next to it you see someone lying there unconscious. You give them CPR and they begin to twitch with life. Excitedly, you jump up and yell, "I'll fuck anything that moves!" 
  4. You're holding your newborn child in your arms with your family and doctors all around. The baby stares up at you and you growl, "Don't you fucking look at me!" 
  5. Walk into your daughter's room in the middle of the night and whisper to her as she sleeps, "I looked for you in my closet tonight." 
  6. When your wife complains that you don't do anything romantic anymore, reply, "I'll have to send you a love letter! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker!" 
  7. You are showing your newborn son to his grandmother, for the first time. Festively, you extend your arms, in which the infant is held, to your mother or mother-in-law and declare: "Moooomy! Baby wants to FUCK!" 
Blue Velvet (1986)

ps. somehow, i felt like i'm watching Stephen Malkmus acting...

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