The Tough Alliance

I hate to explain things, I hate people who love to explain everything.
As everyone knows, things are hard to explain.
Especially songs, pictures, photographs, movies, thoughts...
I believe: "when you see it, you know it."
(see is only a symbolic verb, it could also be hear, touch, feel...the list can keep going on)

The Tough Alliance is the band that don't give a fuck about what others say. Proves:
  1. lip-syncing at their own live shows - because "You can't let yourself go totally if you have to concentrate on playing the right notes and shit like that".
  2. came to Australia for 4 shows, but flew back to Sweden after the first show - because they don't like the audiences' reactions.
  3. swinging baseball bats on stage - because boys just wanna have some fun (I added this)... but got thrown off the stage
  4. covered 50 Cent's "Many Men"
Other proves from Interview:
  • Pitchfork: Your songs, and those of the artists you release on Sincerely Yours, don't seem so tough, with themes like love, hope, and sincerity. And there are only two of you. Why call yourselves "the Tough Alliance"?
  • The Tough Alliance: 'Cause we thought it sounded good like decades ago. We still do actually and that's a good enough reason. We hate bands who can explain the meaning behind their band name. Please, it's just a name for god's sake. Nobody asks us why we call ourselves Eric and Henning.
  • Pitchfork: In the same song, you also quote UK left-wing skinheads the Redskins: "Take no heroes, only inspiration." What does this phrase mean to you in terms of your music?
  • The Tough Alliance: There are so many artists who are content with just producing art which they feel could have been done by someone they admire. So many artists who just want to be a part of something instead of going their own way. It may sound pretentious, but we want to contribute to society by expressing our situation as sharply and accurately as possible. And we can relate to and feel a lot of different things. And that reflects in everything we do, naturally also in our musical adventures.
  • We feel like complex individuals and don't see why we should hide that behind a one-sided image or a simple attitude. We see ourselves as quite subversive but couldn't care less about the fact that the influences that can be heard in our music aren't what you normally would associate subversion with. Everything can't be filed or explained easily. TTA can't be. People try to all the time but they keep making fools out of themselves.
  • Pitchfork: Sincerely Yours assigns catalogue numbers not just to CDs, videos, and remixes, but also to stickers, letters, a change of address form, a bulletproof vest, a photo of Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, a collapsed stage, and, recently, a remix that was just a broken link. Why?
  • The Tough Alliance: No one associated feels a need to inform, explain, or simplify Sincerely Yours. It is what it is, take it or leave it.
  • Pitchfork: Of the downloads you've put on your site, a pair were credited to Alvy Singer and Nicole Divers. Singer, of course, is Woody Allen's character from Annie Hall. Divers is a character from F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night. What drew you to these characters?
  • The Tough Alliance: You'd have to ask Alvy and Nicole about that we're afraid.
New Chance

Koka Kola Veins

I totally enjoy TTA's music. I never get sick of their music.
Feel good every time when I hear their music.
And I think they're very original with attitude.



Anonymous said...

Ah, you didn't link to the video for "Neo-Violence". On first watch you just see a boring techno vid, but then all the creepy imagery strikes you the second time. A bit like the rest of the band's music I suppose...

Anonymous said...

to TXturnstile

yeah, I agree. I just watched it for the first time. Neo Violence is probably their best video.

but actually I enjoy their music more than their videos.

I post those two songs, because they're my recent favs of TTA.

Thanks for stopping by!