Rcently I Watched...

La Strada (1954)Often Sad, Sometimes Surreal, Always Human.
I like Gelsomina. She was so... good. She's one of my favourite characters in cinemas.
It's a very strange film. I don't know what exactly makes this film so remarkable. I guess it's the ordinary beauty/humanity that really touched my heart.
It's about loners, love and people. I can really relate to it.
Federico Fellini is a master director, and this film is one of the best films.

All That Heaven Allows (1955)Well...melodrama. Clichés!
Yeah... This is such a typical romance movie.
But I think the set is so beautiful... I wish I had that house.

The Dreamers (2003)

Seriously why?
I love the first half of the movie, before they get fucked up.
The movie pays a great tribute to French New Wave and other movies, but I don't like the story. Like what Michael Pitt said, it's an "eye-opener". Nothing else. It's okay if people are fucked up, but it's not okay to think fucked-up is okay. I only like Michael Pitt's character. It's not a good film overall.

The Gold Rush (1925)

He is indeed one of the greatest comedian, actor and director.
Back in the 20's, he could create a film like this? Marvellous!
Just watch this, the amazing "Dance of the Rolls "

Gigi (1958)
I guess you can say this is just another Hollywood musical hit.
But it's really good! I mean overall.
It's such a charming and darling film!

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