God Help Me...

回家的時候,最後我還是拿出輕鬆舒服的 God Help The Girl。
Come Monday Night~
Favorite book ever?
I think Lukas Moodysson Vitt blod was the one that affected me the most. I should re-read it though, not quite sure if it's as good as I remember it.
Instruments played (chronologically)?
Yamaha keyboard, acoustic guitar, bass, various software instruments.
Favorite record this year?
Camera Obscura, My Maudlin Career.
Favorite record ever?
The Smiths, The Queen Is Dead.
The one record I’d save from a house fire is:
Shadow Factory (Sarah Records compilation).
Favorite music video this year?
The Legends "Always The Same". Sorry, but it really is. Haven't seen that many though. Oh, wait. I really liked that Fever Ray video too.
Who is in your dream band (must be living musicians)?
Morrissey: vocals; Johnny Marr: guitars; Colm Ó Cíosóig: drums. And I'd like to be in the band too, so I guess I could play the bass.
Last illegally downloaded song/album (be honest)?
Probably Camera Obscura My Maudlin Career actually. I didn't like it that much at first and didn't understand how good it was until I bought the CD. Oh, isn't this a lovely little story of the importance of paying for music?
「 | 鄉愁的苦澀 成長的記憶 青春的眷戀 原來生命就是生活 | 」 |