School of Seven Bells

Lately, I'm really into dream-pop, because I've been working on a dreamy mixtape for my very special one.
After reading through few other blogs, and found this new great band, School of Seven Bells.
Ex-Secret Machines' guitarist, Benjamin Curtis with a pair of twin sisters Alejandra and Claudia Deheza.

Released their album "Alpinisms" in 2008.
Their music sounds dreamily pop.
I think they took a lot of influences from India. Some of the songs sound like...chanting Buddhist scripture. Still cool though.
Well, I guess I will let the professional do their job.
  • "Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream." 8.0 (Recommended)-Pitchfork
  • "The twin sisters' heavenly harmonies are unlike anything else you'll hear (the closest reference point is Cocteau Twins' Liz Fraser) and they make this debut album quite otherworldly and something very special indeed."-9 out of 10 NME
  • "What pushes these songs past mere worship involves cunning collisions of robust rhythm, caressing noise, and heavenly melody, with each element equally crucial. Good shoegaze/dream-pop bands mastered one of them; the most exceptional of the heap, like this group, had all three down." 4 1/2 out of 5 - AMG

Half Asleep - great video! I like!

ps. SVIIB had toured with bands like Blonde Redhead and M83. Now they are currently touring with Bats for Lashes and White Lies. God, I wish I could see them all at once, sigh...


Anonymous said...

It's me! I'm your very special one. I'm working on your mixtape as well. Hope they work!


Fuse said...

yeah, you're my very special one. and i hope you like the mixtape.
