The Castle《城堡》
我不知道為什麼他可以寫出這樣的東西,原本很簡單的事實,他要把所有的事實說成是設計好的陷阱。整部小說有三分之一是在說官僚的體制,可是《城堡》裡的制度,讀者只看的到冰山一角。另外關於愛,卡夫卡只丟問題,提出假設,並不給答案,也不給真相。或許我們只能像主角 K. 一樣,不斷的去嘗試想要了解所有的事,卻永遠都辦不到。
Rabbit At Rest
It's a restless feeling reading this book, knowing Rabbit soon will be at rest. From the very beginning, this book has a very gloomy sense of death arousing. Still, after reading 500+ pages, Rabbit was still alive playing basketball with some black kids. Then suddenly death struck him as it did to its readers, me. Every book in Rabbit series leaves me feeling miserable. First, baby Rebecca dies. Second, Jill dies. Third, Thelma's love dies. Finally, he dies, so does the book. Even so, this Rabbit series is a fucking triumph. I have never read a contemporary novel that examines our modern lives so thoroughly, and makes it so much fun as this.
Rose Elinor Dougall
2006年The Pipettes帶著 "Pull Shape!"的口號發行他們的處女專輯。穿著復古的點點洋裝,跳著傻呼呼的舞,活像是五六零年代的女子團體。唱的歌盡是既三八又可愛的小女生心情。三個小妞當時擄獲了不少花草派純情男生的心,當然,我就是其中一個。那時候,整天都放著The Pipettes的歌,聽到像 "Your Kisses Are Wasted on Me","It Hurts to See You Dance So Well",就好像跳舞(整張專輯聽起來都很想讓人跳舞)心情就好的不得了。那時候多期待在聽到下一張The Pipettes的專輯。可是,對我來說,已經沒有下一張了。
在 2008 的時候,Rose Elinor Dougall決定離開The Pipettes。今年剩下兩個人的The Pipettes一樣出了新專輯。可是聽過了youtube上的單曲。讓我完全沒有想要聽。因為他們的腦袋已經飛到外太空做外星人的音樂了。好吧,不是很差勁的作品,不過完全不吸引我的耳朵,而且跟四年前他們的音樂完全不一樣。就在我對The Pipettes的新作品失望中,Rosay 出了他個人的新專輯《Without Why》。Rosay 一直都是我最喜歡的Pipette,聽過專輯後更喜歡她了!根據她本人的介紹,她用迷幻民謠來形容她的曲風。在"Find Me Out" , "Third Attempt" 這兩首慢歌裡特別聽得出來迷幻民謠風,有點像是 The Sundays。同時也是我最喜歡的兩首歌,因為歌詞寫的也很棒,"my liver, my lungs, my artery, and my cerebral faculties are corroding. Oh, I know you see the best of me, but darling there's just not much left to be","No-one can shine so brightly… but when we did, my darling, you know the world was yours and mine"。
單飛後的Rosay不再一心想著跳舞。相對的,關在自己房間裡寫了這些對於感情自我反省的歌。有比較悲傷的慢歌,但是當然也有不少快歌,像是"Start/Stop/Synchro","Fallen Over","Carry On"。總之,這張專輯很棒。聽聽這首我很愛的 "Find Me Out"。影片拍得也很漂亮,人也很漂亮。
Brazil (1985)
Brazil (1985)
Couple of names run through my mind when I was watching, 1984, Brave New World, Kafka, Fellini, Metropolis, Film-Noir... combining all these elements, no wonder this film has so much praises. It's just a marvelous achievement by Terry Gilliam. Truly a masterpiece! So what is Brazil about? I can't say enough, but two hours of the film can tell you what it's about, at the same time, knock you out with fantastic visual effects!
Brazil (1985)
Short Cuts (1993)
This is one of the best casting ever assembled in all the films I have seen, and it has to be. Such a movie is really driven by characters, and not by plots. So these actors really have to act like a real person in real life situations. At the start of the film, I was puzzled of what's going on with the film. I haven't read Raymond Carver's short stories before, so had no ideas about this film. Now, I really want to read Carver's books, and watch more Robert Altman's films. If you're going to see this film, be aware, this is not a movie as you know, but real lives in an art form. Brilliant!
Fever Ray - Mercy Street
Mercy Street by Fever Ray
'Mercy Street' was originally written about poet Anne Sexton and features on Peter Gabriel's largely ambient and atmostpheric ('Sledgehammer' aside) seventh album 'So'. On reflection it's an obvious choice for a band like Fever Ray and they do it massive justice. It'll get a proper release on Rabid Records later this year. Karin says of the track:
"We made it more intense and faster to fit our eccentric pecussionists and energetic live musicians. It is a monotone track but we worked with the dynamics trying to make it sparkle. I listened to it a lot when I was around 15, and it still moves me. It made me start reading Anne Sexton too".
if you wanna see more Fever Ray photos.
Hausu (1977)
I guess this is the CRAZIEST movie I have seen. It's absolutely insane, but it really isn't scary at all. Rather funny actually, because of those weird fake CGI effects. So, is the film good? No, but I think it's worth checking out, at least to see how far can movie goes.
House (1977)
House (1977)
We Made The Team
This is a hidden Radio Dept. jam. I don't think many people know this song. But it's pretty fucking good. I discovered this song, while I was surfing through klicktrack. If you like this track, maybe try The Embassy's State '08.
Buy Buy Buy
The Replacements - I'll Be You 7'' |
Lake Heartbeat - Trust In Numbers LP |
The National - High Violet 2LP |
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record 2LP |
The National - Boxer LP (I lent my CD, and never got it back, so I bought this) |
Slowdive - Souvlaki 2LP (Classic!) |
Allo Darlin' - Allo Darlin' LP (Love it so much!) |
Henning Fürst
Yeasayer- Madder Red (Henning Fürst Remix) by secretlycanadian
Young Galaxy - Queen Drum (Henning Fürst Remix)
After listening to these tracks, I can't wait for his own album if there's any.
Young Galaxy - Queen Drum (Henning Fürst Remix)
After listening to these tracks, I can't wait for his own album if there's any.
The Three Colors Trilogy
I watched this trilogy in their order, blue, white then red. Just an astonishing trilogy, delicate yet deep. All the three leading ladies are absolutely phenomenal. The cinematography is just so beautiful, matching its colour and so well done. Not going to discuss the stories or the meanings behind them, just watch them!
Favourite film: all very good, but Blue if i have to choose.
Favourite actress: this is a easy one, Irene Jacob.
Blue (1993), White (1994), Red (1994)
Unknown Pleasures Resurrected
A Joy Division Celebration with Peter Hook and friends
The year was 1979. A little know band from Manchester, England, was about to deliver an album of moody, melancholic despair, the influence of which can still be felt, heard and seen today. That band was Joy Division and the album was Unknown Pleasures.
To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Joy Divisions’ seminal debut album Unknown Pleasures, founding member Peter Hook and Friends will perform the album in its entirety in Australia for the first time. The epic show will include live performances of all of the songs from the album including She’s Lost Control, New Dawn Fades and Disorder. Audiences will also be treated to performances of other early Joy Division tracks, as well as the classic non-album singles Transmission and Love Will Tear Us Apart.
more gigs
more gigs
I always like Peter Hook more than Bernard Sumner, because Peter Hook loves Joy Division more than New Order, like me. Once you're shadowed by Ian Curtis' darkness, you wouldn't want to get out, at least I wouldn't. But... who's gonna sing it??? Hooky? Anyway I personally think Peter Hook playing the shows is in favour for any Joy Division fans. He doesn't need to, or maybe he'd love to, I don't know. All I know is, I can't miss this chance of a life time, and I got the ticket already.
John Updike's advices for writers
1. Begin with a blind, innocent faith that you do have something to say. Most people who are failed writers are the ones who didn't push ahead with singlemindedness. They allow themselves to be deflected.
2. Try to read. To see what's been done in languages, so you don't repeat what has already been done as well as never can be done.
3. Don't begin the project until you have some sense of how it's going to end. I think there's too much writing done impossibly. We do need when we put a story down, a sense of author knew what he was doing. After all, that's what distinguished art from real world. We are not sure the real world knows what it's doing. But we do hope that in books, put in the hands of someone who would guide us along certain paths.
2. Try to read. To see what's been done in languages, so you don't repeat what has already been done as well as never can be done.
3. Don't begin the project until you have some sense of how it's going to end. I think there's too much writing done impossibly. We do need when we put a story down, a sense of author knew what he was doing. After all, that's what distinguished art from real world. We are not sure the real world knows what it's doing. But we do hope that in books, put in the hands of someone who would guide us along certain paths.
Sir Lucious Left Foot Son Of Chico Dusty
Outkast 我一直都是比較喜歡 Andre 3000,但我聽到 Big Boi 這張個人專輯,不得不承認這張真的很不錯。老實說,我想好好介紹這張專輯。可是我並沒有聽其他太多的饒舌樂,我也不知道製作人是甚麼來頭,其他客串來賓是誰,我真的不知道怎麼介紹。就寫我喜歡的歌好了。
主打歌 Shutterbug,剛開始聽覺得很怪 (MV更怪),可是聽久還蠻喜歡後面很重的拍子。
Tangerine對我來說,是首很酷的饒舌歌,有電吉他在背景徘徊,重拍一個接著一個。整首歌讓我想到非洲的叢林,一群人在叢林裡做愛。因為整首歌歌詞都在講做愛。很典型的Dirty South。
Hustle Blood 是由 Jamie Foxx 客串的,一首比較 R&B 曲風的歌。
不過整張專輯最喜歡的就是這首 Be Still。整首歌幾乎都是Janelle Monae 來唱的, 我很喜歡她並沒有放太多感情在歌聲中,只是用她很好聽的聲音告訴我們年輕人不要動。另外把synth的效果用的太好了,百聽不厭。
主打歌 Shutterbug,剛開始聽覺得很怪 (MV更怪),可是聽久還蠻喜歡後面很重的拍子。
Tangerine對我來說,是首很酷的饒舌歌,有電吉他在背景徘徊,重拍一個接著一個。整首歌讓我想到非洲的叢林,一群人在叢林裡做愛。因為整首歌歌詞都在講做愛。很典型的Dirty South。
Hustle Blood 是由 Jamie Foxx 客串的,一首比較 R&B 曲風的歌。
不過整張專輯最喜歡的就是這首 Be Still。整首歌幾乎都是Janelle Monae 來唱的, 我很喜歡她並沒有放太多感情在歌聲中,只是用她很好聽的聲音告訴我們年輕人不要動。另外把synth的效果用的太好了,百聽不厭。
Toy Story 3
Pixar just gets better everytime.
I don't remember previous two Toy Stories, but it doesn't kill the fun.
Story is good when everyone can relate to it, that's all it matters, regardless of sexes, races, ages, religions, right?
Zelig (1983)
I think this is an ambitious "documentary" by Woody Allen.
It might be hard for audiences to swallow, but not film buffs or Allen fans.
The 20's documentary looks is just so skillfully done. Funny too.
Though it's not my favourite Woody Allen film, but it could serve as an interesting newsreel film of Woody Allen's wonderful filmography.
Zelig (1983)
It might be hard for audiences to swallow, but not film buffs or Allen fans.
The 20's documentary looks is just so skillfully done. Funny too.
Though it's not my favourite Woody Allen film, but it could serve as an interesting newsreel film of Woody Allen's wonderful filmography.
Zelig (1983)
Rabbit Is Rich
Damn... you gotta love Rabbit, or rather, John Updike.
Why did Mr Updike bother with this prick, Harry Angstrom for nearly thirty years? It's no mystery. Harry Angstrom is simply one of the most fascinating characters of all time in the history of my reading. And I surely do enjoy reading these books. As a matter of fact, I'm addicted. Staying all night for a week reading and giggling to myself. Thinking about Rabbit all my waking hours while not reading the book. Now I'm reading the last one, Rabbit at Rest. One of the most striking aspect of Rabbit stories is that these books were published at the time reflecting the then contemporary status of America. Now, those times are our past. I wish I was born earlier to be able to read them as I go along with the history. Oh well, at least I don't have to wait 10 years to find out what happened to Rabbit. That's something I could cheer about.
Allo Darlin' - Woody Allen
in the movie of our lives, would woody allen write the screenplay?
not his best era, but certainly not his worst either
but i wouldn't like to be like diane keaton in manhattan
so cerebral she runs away from any romance
and although you're neurotic and a little paranoid
it doesn't make me annie, it doesn't make you alvy
woody allen couldn't play you, woody allen couldn't play you
i know you'd want him to but, he couldn't play you
if the swedish director ingmar bergman was still with us
what a mastermind but surely he'd have trouble with us
see i wouldn't like to be like bibi andersson in wild strawberries
what a doll she is, but i'm really not that complex
and although we argue, and we have our problems
and sometimes it gets bad, it never gets bergman bad
max von sydow couldn't play you, max von sydow couldn't play you
i know you'd want him to but max von sydow couldn't play you
god, i love this song so much, and their album too.
just got their vinyl record, with the lyrics sleeve.
i'm a fan of both woody allen and ingmar bergman.
and allo darlin' wrote a song about them! how we can't live like movies!?
it's so lovely how they refer to these movies and praise them at the same time.
Suburban Life
This is another great record by Arcade Fire. Three in a row now.
Once again, they write awesome lyrics to go along the great music.
Damn, I want to see them live so much... Their Unstaged was unreal.
So far, I recommend these songs off The Suburbs.
I Wanna See...
Holy Shit! The Strokes' "I'll Try Anything Once" does it for the trailer...
Directed by Sophia Coppola
Great use of songs again, cover of Radiohead's Creep. I don't belong here...
Directed by David Fincher
It's Broken Social Scene. I gotta see it. Don't know how or when tho.
Directed by Bruce McDonald
Inception (2010)
剛剛才從夢境醒來,時間是未來。我記不得確切發生甚麼事了。不過像是末日性的災難電影。這世界已經沒有電了,可是麥當勞還是有開的。我去麥當勞買咖啡。從麥當勞走回家的路上,牆邊堆了幾具烏漆嘛黑的屍體,顯然是被炸過,或被燒過。沒有人來處理他們,也沒有警察。其他更奇怪的景象,別人家裡的樹上,用繩子掛了四五個大型的垃圾桶。用來躲嗎?我不知道。印象中,我去搶了 7-11。所以家裡還有乾糧可以吃。不過家裡的樓梯中間居然有一個霓虹招牌。是 Big Star 的 No. 1 Record 封面圖案在閃著。(有在賣這種東西嗎?我會想要買耶) 接著我在自己的房間聽到了 The Antlers 的歌,醒來我果然在聽他們的歌。去躺之前沒有關電腦的音樂程式,而選到的歌。下一秒,我想到就是這部電影 - Inception。
這部電影對於夢境的描述,可以算是相當厲害了。音樂,卡司,剪接,動作幾乎都無可挑剔。我願意給滿分,可是有一點必須扣分。就是他太 make sense了。每一層夢境,每一個鏡頭,每一份情感,每一個小細節都是精心設計安排過的?!可是這部片畢竟是blockbuster,你拍得太抽象,觀眾不買帳又有屁用? Christopher Nolan 自己也沒說他想要當像 Fellini 這種大師級的導演。他只想要用大成本,用他的創意,拍出比一般 blockbuster 更棒的電影,幫華納兄弟多賺點錢就好了。總而言之,這部片目前仍舊是我今年的最佳影片。
Inception (2010)
Kick The Tragedy
i think it was the first time i realized that i can change the world, or at least change the way you and my sister hit the clock on every tick just to see what happened. the time has really flown by i guess and it's hard to think of the way it might've been or remember very specifically the words and all the rest of it. i was down, more than i wanted to be probably. that is what we do with it all together, like the orange trees in the backyard and it's Easter and it just won't end. fucking Phil, he's off with his boys somewhere and i'm just sitting here getting more and more lost with everything. and that was the thing about it, it's not as if a cousin promised something and taken it away. it was like nobody could share my so-called dreams, which really meant none of it was happening. and that reach around midnight left her with just about that, nothing. there's not anything particular about it either and i think the whole thing gets vaguer every second, but i am too and there's nothing wrong with that. it's even funny when you stop to realize i'm just nineteen, and how serious can anything be anyway? not very.
- i think this song is just a perfection in every single way.
Trigger Happy TV
(It's even funnier when they put EBTG's Single as background music.)
Trigger Happy TV - squirrel picnic
This stuff is hilarious as hell. A classic UK prank TV.
Check out youtube for some more.
Trigger Happy TV - squirrel picnic
This stuff is hilarious as hell. A classic UK prank TV.
Check out youtube for some more.
Splendour In The Grass 2010 Part I
(The Temper Trap)
Okay, it was not really disastrous. It was actually fucking awesome.Probably the best weekend ever in my life... unreal man!
Except that, Richard Ashcroft's storming off the stage.
Except that, there are few bands that I didn't get to see.
Except that, my legs are really killing me.
Other than that, it's fucking awesome. Here's my weekend.
(Hot Chip)
Friday:Bands I saw all the way through:
School of Seven Bells > Sally Seltmann > Midlake > The Temper Trap
Bands I caught a glimpse:
Foals > Angus & Julia Stone > Grizzly Bear
Bands I wanted to see, but missed:
Joy Formidable > Black Rebel Motorcycle Club > Hot Chip
(Band of Skulls)
Saturday:Bands I saw all the way through:
The Drums > Tame Impala > Wolfmother > Florence & The Machine > The Strokes
Bands I caught a glimpse:
Band of Skulls > Delphic
Bands I wanted to see, but missed:
Two Door Cinema Club > Laura Marling > Band of Horses
Bands I wish I didn't see: Operator Please
Bands I sang all the way through: The Strokes
Sunday:Bands I saw all the way through:
Last Dinosaurs > Fanfarlo > Broken Social Scene > Goldfrapp > Pixies
Bands I caught a glimpse:
Miike Snow > Whitley > Jonsi > Richard Ashcroft
Bands I wanted to see, but missed:
Frightened Rabbit > We Are Scientists > Mumford and Sons > Richard Ashcroft
Bands I cried when watching: Broken Social Scene
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