Memoryhouse 是來自加拿大安大略的兩人團體,Evan 和 Denise。Denise負責主唱,而Evan 則負責歌曲的樂器和製作。簡單說,他們的音樂可以被看作是最近新興的一種音樂類型-chillwave。Chillwave 通常是指大量使用合成聲校,並且不斷的循環音效,做成一種比一般電子舞曲更輕更飄逸更連綿不絕的一種音樂。在這新進的樂風裡, Neon Indian, Memory Tapes, Toro Y Moi, 和 Washed Out 都可以算是最佳代言人。回到Memoryhouse,他們的音樂裡絕對有Chillwave的特質。但更準確的說,他們寫的絕對是美麗且飄逸的流行歌曲。若要拿其他樂團來形容他們,可以說像Brian Eno 幫 My Bloody Valentine 混音。或是Boards of Canada 幫Slowdive混音。所以在他們的音樂裡,可以聽到環境音樂,瞪鞋樂,Dream-pop 等音樂類型的影響。總之,我最近隨時隨地都在聽。他們就是這麼好聽,而且每首都很好聽。目前就我搜刮到的歌曲,包括了一張可以免費下載的EP,叫"The Years"。還有其他這些歌:
Memoryhouse :: Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Memoryhouse :: Bonfire
Memoryhouse :: To The Lighthouse (Millionyoung Remix)
Memoryhouse :: Lately (Troisième)
Memoryhouse :: Foreground (Grizzly Bear Cover)
Memoryhouse :: These Days (Jackson Browne Cover)
memoryhouse :: flickr
memoryhouse :: tumblr
interview with masses//masses
buy To The Lighthouse 7″
Beach House - Teen Dream
Beach House 跟其他硬地樂團有甚麼差別?
差在 Beach House的主唱 Victoria的歌聲真的抓住人的心。
但今年出的「Teen Dream」是一張十首都是好歌的專輯。
有人說他們的音樂是 Dream-pop,可是我個人並不認同。
可是Beach House 卻會讓我深深陷在裡面,完全沒有漂浮的滋味。
差在 Beach House的主唱 Victoria的歌聲真的抓住人的心。
但今年出的「Teen Dream」是一張十首都是好歌的專輯。
有人說他們的音樂是 Dream-pop,可是我個人並不認同。
可是Beach House 卻會讓我深深陷在裡面,完全沒有漂浮的滋味。
Splendour In The Grass 2010
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! My heartbeat is racing now...
I hate festivals, but I don't think I could afford to miss this.
Even it's AUD$460 with camping, I've got to be there...
Splendour In The Grass
Crystal Castles
Crystal Castles 是我的重金屬樂。
我記得第一次聽他們的音樂的時候,心中冒出一堆問號想說「這是三小音樂啊!」不僅雜亂無章,而且還吵得要死。吵得不只是音樂,主唱Alice Glass並不是用唱的,而是用尖叫跟吼的。詭異程度就像重金屬樂對我一樣,儘管我不聽金屬樂。不過,再仔細聽過幾次,他們的第一張專輯其實有很多相當出色的電子舞曲。我說的包括了「Crimewave」,「Courtship Dating」,「Vanished」等。而且他們獨特的音樂是會讓人上癮的。後來甚至聽太多他們的歌,還跑去看了他們瘋狂的現場。
今年他們回來了。把他們原本已經相當極限的音樂變得更廣闊 (也更吵了) 。把原本在第一張專輯大量運用的任天堂sample 音樂拿掉,換上了更寬大的Soundscape的音效。讓他們的音樂有了更多的發揮空間。但這並沒有讓Crystal Castles最根本的特質跑掉-那就是一直在歌曲背景的那個「Beat」。乍聽之下,聽得出來他們在做音樂上面已經突破了他們之前的專輯。但好不好聽,就要看人了。如果你喜歡Crystal Castles這種 fucked-up的音樂,我推薦你也可以試試 HEALTH 跟 Salem。
The Picture of Dorian Gray
“The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.”
This is just pure genius. Wilde is a fucking genius.
This is one of the books I will read over and over again.
This is a book that everyone should read.
This is just pure genius. Wilde is a fucking genius.
This is one of the books I will read over and over again.
This is a book that everyone should read.
Dark Lord
還記得幾年前而已...在網路上google "The National", 通常都跑出些國家的甚麼有的沒的東西。第一頁只有一個連結是跟樂團有關的。現在打"The National",前三名都是他們。
剛在New York Times試聽了新專輯,個人覺得專輯沒有像上一張有那麼多超級搶耳的單曲,但是每首歌都維持在相當高的水平。因為這又是一張讓人逃不出黑暗的專輯,我應該還是會很喜歡。現在最期待的事-就是再去親臨他們的現場一次!沒有語言可以形容去看現場的 The National 的感受。剛剛也時看完了New York Times五頁的大篇幅介紹。如果你很喜歡The National,實在沒有理由不看。
剛在New York Times試聽了新專輯,個人覺得專輯沒有像上一張有那麼多超級搶耳的單曲,但是每首歌都維持在相當高的水平。因為這又是一張讓人逃不出黑暗的專輯,我應該還是會很喜歡。現在最期待的事-就是再去親臨他們的現場一次!沒有語言可以形容去看現場的 The National 的感受。剛剛也時看完了New York Times五頁的大篇幅介紹。如果你很喜歡The National,實在沒有理由不看。
This Video Made Me Believe In Love Again
this is an amazing video. recommended by TTA.
listening to TTA a lot again lately. TTA is the best!
via Schmooze Blog
this is an amazing video. recommended by TTA.
listening to TTA a lot again lately. TTA is the best!
via Schmooze Blog
Blue Velvet (1986)
This is a strange world.
And here is a very strange film...
I think I can say that I'm not a David Lynch fan.
But here's what I want to share: Inappropriate times to quote Blue Velvet (from IMDB Boards)
And here is a very strange film...
I think I can say that I'm not a David Lynch fan.
But here's what I want to share: Inappropriate times to quote Blue Velvet (from IMDB Boards)
- Your house is broken into and the detective begins asking you more personal questions. You look at him and say “I can't figure out if you're a detective or a pervert.”
- To your doctor during a physical: “Do you like the way I feel?”
- You're driving. You come across a wrecked car and next to it you see someone lying there unconscious. You give them CPR and they begin to twitch with life. Excitedly, you jump up and yell, "I'll fuck anything that moves!"
- You're holding your newborn child in your arms with your family and doctors all around. The baby stares up at you and you growl, "Don't you fucking look at me!"
- Walk into your daughter's room in the middle of the night and whisper to her as she sleeps, "I looked for you in my closet tonight."
- When your wife complains that you don't do anything romantic anymore, reply, "I'll have to send you a love letter! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker!"
- You are showing your newborn son to his grandmother, for the first time. Festively, you extend your arms, in which the infant is held, to your mother or mother-in-law and declare: "Moooomy! Baby wants to FUCK!"
Korallreven Mix
It’s simply just some of our favourite songs at the moment, favourite songs that makes us feel the pure ecstasy of what in popular terms use to be called ”life”.
1. Korallreven - Sa-Sa-Samoa
2. Ghostape - My Country (A Thousand Mandolins Version)
3. Madlib - J’s Day Theme #3
4. DJ Screw - Sippin’ Codeine
5. Pure Ecstasy - Voices
6. Teengirl Fantasy - Now That’s What I Call Volume 2
7. Toro Y Moi - Blessa
8. 101 Strings - Seas of Samoa
9. Korallreven - The Truest Faith
10. Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned the Blow
11. Kingdom Featuring Shyvonne - Mindreader (CFCF Remix)
12. Bien - Sunny Side
13. Korallreven - As Loved-Up As Ever
via Viceland
New awesome single, The Truest Faith.
A nod to New Order, even the cover.
Listen from their Myspace.
1. Korallreven - Sa-Sa-Samoa
2. Ghostape - My Country (A Thousand Mandolins Version)
3. Madlib - J’s Day Theme #3
4. DJ Screw - Sippin’ Codeine
5. Pure Ecstasy - Voices
6. Teengirl Fantasy - Now That’s What I Call Volume 2
7. Toro Y Moi - Blessa
8. 101 Strings - Seas of Samoa
9. Korallreven - The Truest Faith
10. Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned the Blow
11. Kingdom Featuring Shyvonne - Mindreader (CFCF Remix)
12. Bien - Sunny Side
13. Korallreven - As Loved-Up As Ever
via Viceland
New awesome single, The Truest Faith.
A nod to New Order, even the cover.
Listen from their Myspace.
I'm Not Sorry
On returning, I can't believe this world is still turning
The pressure's on, Because the pleasure hasn't gone
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone
On competing, Oh, when will this tired heart stop beating?
It's all a game, Existence is only a game
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone
I'm, Slipping below the water line, I'm, Slipping below the water line
Reach for my hand, And, And the race is won
Reject my hand, And, The damage is done
I'm, Slipping below the water line
I'm, Slipping below the water line
The woman of my dreams, She, She never came along
The woman of my dreams, Well, There never was one
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've said
There's a wild man in my head, There's a wild man In my head
The pressure's on, Because the pleasure hasn't gone
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone
On competing, Oh, when will this tired heart stop beating?
It's all a game, Existence is only a game
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone
I'm, Slipping below the water line, I'm, Slipping below the water line
Reach for my hand, And, And the race is won
Reject my hand, And, The damage is done
I'm, Slipping below the water line
I'm, Slipping below the water line
The woman of my dreams, She, She never came along
The woman of my dreams, Well, There never was one
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've said
There's a wild man in my head, There's a wild man In my head
This Is Spinal Tap
This is funny as hell...
A Must-Watch rockumentary/mockumentary film!
I can't believe i didn't recognise Rob Reiner as the interviewer.
This may be his best film ever made.
More info about Spinal Tap, go wiki!
This is the best scene from the film:
A Must-Watch rockumentary/mockumentary film!
I can't believe i didn't recognise Rob Reiner as the interviewer.
This may be his best film ever made.
More info about Spinal Tap, go wiki!
This is the best scene from the film:
The Hurt Locker
hmm... good movie.
never seen avatar, don't know how to compare them.
but if this film beats avatar, then avatar can't that good.
because... this is only a B+ film for me. and it won oscar?
69 Année Érotique feat. Valentine Fillol-Cordier
very French, very sexy, very Serge Gainsbourg
arh...I love the groovy bass line.
and a great song tho i don't understand French at all.
On Lightspeed Champion's new EP "Marlene"
Wilde is a genius
"My dear boy, no woman is a genius. Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals."— Oscar Wilde
10 Songs About Me
it's not easy... to describe myself in 10 songs.
i have so many songs i could relate to but yeah...
these are not my top 10 favourite songs, but they're all great!
these are 10 songs about me, obviously from lyrical content.
1. Guided By Voices - I Am A Scientist
2. The Replacements - Swingin' Party
3. The Jesus And Mary Chain - Never Understand
4. Joy Division - New Dawn Fades
4. Joy Division - New Dawn Fades
5. The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
6. The Replacements - Unsatisfied
7. Neil Young - Oh, Lonesome Me
8. Tricky - Overcome
9. New Order - Regret
10. Pavement - Range Life
10. Pavement - Range Life
joy division,
new order,
the replacements,
the smiths

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