Space Age Love Song
Ultimate love song! Really really good song!
And no comment about their style whatsoever.
Charlie Sexton
Dry Humour

Boat Behind
Such a lovely video and song! I love it.
Can't wait to hear The Kings of Convenience's new album.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl?
2004 我剛搬進宿舍。從廁所到我的房間的路上可以大概聽到五六種不同的音樂。大部分播的音樂都是電台裡的主打歌。那時候最常聽到的應該就是這首了。過了這幾年聽還是好嗨喔!放進跑步的Mixtape裡非常的適合。都出了兩張新的專輯了,可是他們好像寫不出一樣又好聽又好唱又嗨的歌。難道他們真的是俗稱的One hit wonder?
The Man Without a Past

I think this movie is no where near funniest film ever. Heart-felt, yes. Humorous, a little bit. Delightful, maybe. Often sad... I think.
A very enjoyable film from the Finnish director, Aki Kaurismäki. This is my first Mr Kaurismäki's film. I think it made a very good introduction.
After seeing this film, I wanna have a jukebox at home too.
The Apartment

"Shut up and deal!"
This is a very sweet and lovely film. Though it deals with some pretty ugly truths about the society, but this movie really gives me warmth and the pleasure of seeing a good film.
L.A. Confidential
Juliet of the Spirits

Magnificent! Bravo, Fellini!
The Seventh Seal

This is way beyond remarkable and excellent...
Completely original, astonishingly beautiful, incredibly well-crafted to question our existence, religion, love, or simply humanity.
It's hell with women, and hell without. Best to kill them all while the fun lasts.
Love is nothing but lust and cheating and lies.
Antonius Block: I want knowledge! Not faith, not assumptions, but knowledge. I want God to stretch out His hand, uncover His face and speak to me.
Death: But He remains silent.
Antonius Block: I call out to Him in the darkness. But it's as if no one was there.
Death: Perhaps there isn't anyone.
For Emma, Forever Ago

那天,走了一陣子的路才到了台大店的小白兔唱片行。那天沒有表演,唱片行裡只有店員跟我。音響裡放出來的是 Balmorhea,我很隨興的把背包放在沙發上,坐著聽音樂。我並沒有特別想要買甚麼專輯,所以在店裡遊蕩了一陣子。同時也和店員聊天,她推薦 Bon Iver 給我聽,並很樂意得讓我試聽 For Emma, Forever Ago。空心吉他的聲音在這小小的店裡響了起來,那是一種格外溫暖和孤寂的心情。她告訴我這是張超棒的專輯,非常耐聽。總之,我把這張專輯帶回家了。雖然常在大大小小的音樂部落格看到他的名字,但我等專輯發行過了一年後才真的聽到這張專輯。從今年七月到現在最常聽得應該就是這張了。
上個禮拜跟一個剛認識的朋友聊音樂,他也很喜歡 Bon Iver 。跟我說要去找這張專輯的背景故事,當你知道這專輯的故事後你會更appreciate 這張專輯。本名Justin Vernon在和原屬的樂團理念不合後,回到自己的家鄉。在冬天把自己關在小屋裡"冬眠"三個月。在這段時間裡,他把自己和世界隔離。也把自己過去六年裡的孤寂,渴望,心痛,內疚等等複雜的情緒寫出了九首動人的歌曲。知道背後的故事後,我想我比較了解這張專輯裡蘊釀的那份...憤怒和孤寂的情緒。我們都需要發洩的管道的,特別是外冷內熱的人。有時候,內心的折磨不是每個人都懂得,也不是想說就能說出口的。
最近練吉他,除了必練的Unsatisfied,Skinny Love 是另外一首必唱的歌曲。原因沒有其他的,因為我也需要發洩。
Now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?
La Jetée

Absolutely brilliant masterpiece. Astonishing artwork.
The Shining

I never really like Stanley Kubrick's films, but I cannot deny his great unique filming techniques. This movie is astoundingly beautiful. Just look at the opening sequences, it awed me. Then, of course the movie scared the shit out of me. But I enjoyed it.
Jack Nicholson really convinced me he's a fucking psycho.
The Great Gatsby
In these days of loneliness, I spent some time at night reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, and I just finished the book for the second time today. Reading the last lines, it made me feel so... Pardon me for not able addressing the miscellaneous feelings it urged me.
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eludes us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further... And one fine morning -
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
(500) Days of Summer

For a long time, I have been expecting this movie.
I found it more pleasurable seeing this film alone than with others.
I love the part when he sings and dances with everybody in the park. Though it was just imaginations, but I love doing that. I have that kind of imaginations before, so I like it a lot.
I love the part when they go to lovely playground, IKEA.
I love the part how the final scenes of The Graduate is shown. There's something poignant about it I think.
I love the part when the director pay tributes(?) to European cinema, including Godard and Bergman.
I love the part where his expectations collide with reality. Expectations always fail.
I love the part when he breaks out, and criticise how terrible greeting cards are. People don't or won't try to tell how they really feel. Right, the world is too much of bullshit without anyone's help.
I love the part where the narrator said Tom has early exposure to sad British pop music and showed the album covers of Psychocandy and Louder Than Bombs.
I love the line, "People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated. "
I also love the line, "it sucks when you realised that everything you believe in is total bullshit."
I guess I quite like this film.
Oh, I forgot about the music. The music put a magic touch on the film.
My favourite song at the moment... Sweet Disposition.
Smiles of a Summer Night

Absolutely an amazing film by Ingmar Bergman again.
Sometimes, the world is full too much of sad miserable reality, and we need something as good and as positive as this film. In that poster, Frid, the guy said "I won't live a life that's better than this." Just think that for a second, would I ever truly say that from the bottom of my heart? I doubt it. This is such a lovable film. All the characters are so lovely, even the Count. The lines are really great too. Just so lovely!
"Even I'm so tired up of people, I'll never stop loving them."
"If people knew the evil caused by listening to others, they would not care about listening and would be far happier."
Sommarnattens leende (1955)
Dear Science

"Dear Science, please start solving problems and curing diseases or shut the fuck up."
我很喜歡TV on the Radio 2006的那張Return to Cookie Mountain。那是一張一聽就覺得很棒的專輯。因此那張可以說是他們的代表作,很多人都直接斷定那是他們最棒的專輯。但就我個人而言,他們新專輯Dear Science才是他們最棒的作品。去年剛聽到這張的時候,覺得大部分曲子都不錯聽。但是覺得他們的曲風有點流行化了。加上我的英文能力沒有很好,沒有第一時間就聽出詳細的歌詞內容。所以只比較喜歡較為動感的曲子像 Golden Age,或是帶著悲傷節奏的 Family Tree 跟 Love Dog。因此我並沒有當下特別愛這張專輯。不過就在多聽了很多次和去查了歌詞之後。我對這張專輯有了全新的感受。覺得,天阿,這專輯怎麼會這麼棒啊?
和上一張專輯一樣,用了一首很有衝勁的曲子 Halfway Home 做為開頭曲。身為一首TVotR的歌,build-up 是一個非常非常重要的音樂元素。第一首歌就為整張專輯做了完美的示範。第二首的 Crying 是首帶點放克的節奏,唱著對於這社會亂象的悲哀,我們甚麼都做不了,只能為它的墮落默默哭泣。Gold is another word for culture, leads to fattening of the vultures. Till this bird can barely fly。這麼酷的曲子如果不仔細聽,真的感覺不出來歌詞形容的那種無奈。
下一首曲子Dancing Choose對我來說就更難聽懂了。因為它是饒舌歌曲。雖然他們也是黑人,可是他們唱的絕對不是你在電台聽到那些亂七八糟的饒舌。相對的,是針對這社會敗像的強烈攻擊和諷刺。哪些社會敗像,怎麼攻擊和諷刺?我想這首歌留給我們很多解釋的想像空間。好的歌詞就是應該這樣。而這張專輯,美好的令人難以置信。
而就以曲子的旋律本身,老實說實在很難斷定是不是好。他們的曲風橫跨了Synth-Pop, Punk, Funk, Hip-Hop, Raggae, Soul, 等等,根本沒有一個類型可以斷定他們曲風。所以聽TVotR的歌,基本上你可以把曲風這個觀念丟到腦後,讓他們充滿能量的音樂滿足你的耳朵。對了,我要說的重點就是他們在歌曲的處理。不管他們寫出甚麼歌,身為唯一白人的團員Dave Sitek,總能把歌曲製作成一首獨一無二的優秀作品。他知道哪首歌需要弦樂,哪首歌需要管樂,哪首歌需要甚麼樣的效果音,當每首歌都被完美的製作後,那張專輯就會聽起來像Dear Science。
比起上一張,這張有比較多感傷的慢歌。Family Tree 是一首關於婚姻與愛情的掙扎和渴望解脫傳統觀念的束縛。一首非常非常棒的歌。Love Dog則是另一首相當悲傷的歌。一個寂寞渴望被愛的心,如此簡單卻令人心碎。像這首歌的開頭用了類似心跳的節拍,但那是一顆受傷的心,有時太快有時少了一拍。到曲子後面以弦樂鋪底收尾就是一個很棒的編曲例子。
最後一首歌就是Lover's Day。應該是整張專輯裡歌詞最露骨,最淺顯易懂的一首,同時也是最令人感動的一首。沒錯,歌詞基本上就是在說性愛。性愛令人感動嗎?是的。他是人類最原始的慾望,但自從我們把我們自己用文化的圍籬將自己關起來時。性已經被扭曲了。他被文化鄙視和其他各式各樣的解釋。所以當我聽到這首歌,聽著Kyp Malone如此熱烈的唱著對愛的渴望,和強烈的慾望,真的很令人感動。如此簡單的慾望,如此強烈,卻如此遙遠。Swear to God it'll get so hot, it'll melt our faces off. Then we can see, the you the me beyond mirrors outside clock. Held naked in the light. Held gently, held tight. So soft! 對現在的我來說,這是整張最棒的一首歌。
Dear Science真的每首歌都超好聽。音樂高水準的製作,歌詞不僅不陷於庸俗,還是超水準。真的是非常棒的一張專輯。
Lover's Day
Oh man, oh man... what a fucking great LOVE song! Damn right, this longing is terrible. I wanna do exactly what the song says while listening to this song. That's where I want to be.
Oh but the longing is terrible,
A wonton heart under attack.
I wanna love you,
All the way off,
I wanna break your back.
Colour of all that's hysterical,
Travels along your bones.
Just to be near you sucking your skin,
Not gonna leave you alone.
Yes here of course there are miracles,
A lover that loves that's one.
Groomed with the laughter,
Ecstatic disaster,
Come let's arouse the fun!
We could build and engine,
Out of all your rising stars.
Tear apart the apart,
We seem to think we are.
Call of work let's lay!
Call it lovers Day!
Call it lovers Day!
Give me the keys to your hiding place,
I'm not gonna tear it apart.
I'm gonna keep you week in the knees,
Try to unlock your heart.
You're gonna turn me animal,
You’re gonna turn me dumb.
Your kiss in the night,
Bringing the light,
You’re like the rising sun.
I hunger for you like a cannibal,
Not gonna let you run.
I'm gonna take you,
I'm gonna shake you,
I'm gonna make you cum.
Swear to god it will get so hot,
It’ll melt our faces off.
Then we can see,
The you the me,
Beyond mirrors outside clock.
Held naked in the light,
Held gently,
Held tight,
So soft!
Get off!
Get off!
Ball so hard,
We’ll smash the walls,
Break the bed,
And crash the floors, don’t!
Stop! Laugh and scream!
And have the neighbors call the cops!
'till all the eyes that they've seen our fire play!!
I'm not gonna tear it apart.
I'm gonna keep you week in the knees,
Try to unlock your heart.
You're gonna turn me animal,
You’re gonna turn me dumb.
Your kiss in the night,
Bringing the light,
You’re like the rising sun.
I hunger for you like a cannibal,
Not gonna let you run.
I'm gonna take you,
I'm gonna shake you,
I'm gonna make you cum.
Swear to god it will get so hot,
It’ll melt our faces off.
Then we can see,
The you the me,
Beyond mirrors outside clock.
Held naked in the light,
Held gently,
Held tight,
So soft!
Get off!
Get off!
Ball so hard,
We’ll smash the walls,
Break the bed,
And crash the floors, don’t!
Stop! Laugh and scream!
And have the neighbors call the cops!
'till all the eyes that they've seen our fire play!!
Can't forget,
Mark it down,
Call it lovers Day!!
Yes here of course there are miracles.
Under your sighs and moans.
I'm gonna take you,
I'm gonna take you home.
Mark it down,
Call it lovers Day!!
Yes here of course there are miracles.
Under your sighs and moans.
I'm gonna take you,
I'm gonna take you home.
Soft Cell - Frustration!
I have life
Ordinary wife
I have car
A favourite bar
I have job
A moderate wage
I get the pains
That come with age
I am so ordinary
I have child
She goes wild
I have home
A mortgage of my own
I have hobby
But it's nothing very special
I do the garden
I watch girls
I am so ordinary
I have life
I have cage
I'm going bald
I want to tell the world
I've done nothing
I've achieved nothing
I work for a firm
But I want to burn it down, down
I am so ordinary
I am so ordinary
I was born
One day I'll die
There was something in between
I, I don't know what
Or why
I'm a man
I want to break a rule
I am a no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody
Everybody's fool
I am so ordinary
Frustration (x4)
I'm so tired of endless art
Love stories
I'm beginning to not give a damn
I wish I could reach right out for the untouchable
Film starring Bruce, John Wayne, Elvis Presley
Experiment with cocaine, LSD and set a bad bad example
Live a little, run a harem, be a tiger
Meet Bo Derek and be her Tarzan
Reach, reach out out
Live, live, live
Die, die, die
I, I, I, I wanna die...
Frustration, oh
Frustration (x3)
I wanna die
I wanna die, die, die, die
die, die, d..d..d..die, die, die
I wanna die

一直很想寫些有關 Yeah Yeah Yeahs。
最早認識他們應該是從2004,那時的他們已經靠Maps打出一大片名氣了。而那首歌也帶我進入了他們瘋狂的龐克。那時候的他們,我只有他們的第一張專輯和同名EP。Karen O 瘋狂的淫叫/吼叫,Nick 帶著狠勁的吉他,Brian到點的鼓聲,一起打造出來YYYs特別怪異龐克曲風。雖然歌曲本身怪調,但是聽起來真的很high。總之,那時候的隨身聽裡總會有他們的歌在。我總是可以在他們的歌曲中找到自己發洩的空間。
2006年推出第二張專輯Show Your Bones,幫他們自己的人氣更往上推,吸引了更多的粉絲和樂評們的肯定。雖然是延續第一張的曲風,但可以聽得出來,他們比較收斂了。在歌曲的處理上,少了變種的曲調,也寫出更多好聽的歌。Gold Lion, Way Out, Phenomena, Cheated Hearts, Turn Into 都是專輯裡的超級單曲。Karen O 的嗓音也收斂許多,但老實說,我比較喜歡她充滿生命力的吼唱方式。當然不是說她唱得不好聽,只是唱歌每個人都在唱,而誰能像她那樣表演的呢?我知道很多人都在學她,特別是新團。像是 Crystal Castles 的女主唱就算是其中一枚。
今年推出他們的第三張大碟。一改以往的狂放不羈的樂風,加了電音和效果器。雖然整張專輯聽起來很電,但他們還是YYYs。他們的音樂還是YYYs。龐克樂,電子樂,在他們手裡都被玩弄得恰當好處。這張專輯還有TV On The Radio 的Dave Sitek製作,整張專輯非常的飽滿成熟。剛開始聽的時候,覺得只有前五首歌很好聽。但是整張聽下來,發現他們後半專輯也很棒。變得比較sentimental的Karen O還是很棒。還有Acoustic版本的歌都很好聽。
他們真的是一個很成熟的團。比起他們同期的團,能走到這裡真的很不簡單。雖然有媒體吹捧,但真的能讓他們在往上爬到他們現在地位的是他們做出來的音樂。雖然他們是我很喜歡的團之一,聽他們的音樂也聽很久,但是他們現在已經不是我愛團的前十名。我也沒有最喜歡他們的哪一張專輯,每一張都有我喜歡他們的地方。每一張專輯都記錄的他們的成長,和我的改變。最後,我要點播一首 Turn Into。
Wild Strawberries (1957)

Where is the friend I seek at break of day?
When night falls, I still have not found him.
My burning heart shows me His traces.
I see His traces, whenever flowers bloom.
His love is mingled with every air.
His voice calls in the summer wind.

這是我看Ingmar Bergman的第三部片。雖然我很喜歡這部片,但沒有比其他兩片來的喜歡。第一部片Persona給我的震撼太強了。無庸置疑的穩坐第一名的位置。第二部Autumn Sonata給我個人的感觸深到直接滲透了我的淚腺,我把第二名留給它了。


Autumn Sonata

Höstsonaten (1978) by Ingmar Bergman
This is such a violent film...
I can't find other word that better describes it.
I felt so defeated after watching this. Glad I saw it alone.
No one would understand how I felt when I saw this.
I felt so much, so much reflecting my life. God...This is an AMAZING film...(I feel words are too weak to express how I feel)
Woody Allen is right, Ingmar Bergman's stuff is just mind-blowing.
The Yes Man

Some Like It Hot

This is just great, I love screwball comedies.
Stupid indeed, but they do make you laugh.
Especially the last line, "Nobody's perfect", what a brillant line.
This is a Hot film!
Mr M and Me

she has never been to the other side, and she never will.
becasue she despise it.
how do you critise the other side while you have never been there before? I think that's just an unfair comment. everyone can easily throw whatever they think without any responsibility.
ever since i saw Fritz Lang's film M, i always think to myself "you've never been there, you don't know what it's like to be someone else, so shut your mouth before you make a fool of yourself." this is an excellent excellent psychological film.
after all, we will never be someone else, but i guess we can at least try to understand and give sypathmy instead of harshly critise them. choosing different paths is never an easy thing to do. if life is going easy on you, then you know you are not learning anything.
in fact, i don't want to learn anything. it's meaningless. all i want and all that matter is sex, money and power. they give you vulgar satisfactions. i want satisfaction. they make me less of what i am.
Taxi Driver

I've heard of this film many times before, I thought it was a horror movie but it's not. It's a drama, a lonely man's journey to a psychopath. I feel very closely related to Travis Bickle character played by Robert De Niro. Alienation, isolation, loneliness, hatred towards scums or anyone I don't like. I have them all. For this, I love this film a lot. And it does speak for a lot of people I guess. We're all fucked, more or less.
This is another good Martin Scorsese film. I have seen about six or seven of his films. Some of them are just fine, in my opinion. But Taxi Driver is really a good one.
I don't know why and how people are so fucking stupid, trying to do the things already shown in the movies? Especially the ones involving violence, another one is Fight Club. Come on, you unimaginative idiots, leave these good movies alone.
Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man... June 8th. My life has taken another turn again. The days can go on with regularity over and over, one day indistinguishable from the next. A long continuous chain.The days go on and on... they don't end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

One long night, two drunken couples, an epic movie.
There are so much verbal violences in their conversations.
I was stunned by the way they talk. Quite remarkable, and memorable.
Both Elizebeth Taylor and Richard Burton are beyond great.
But if you are looking for a great film, you won't be disappointed.
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