Food Inc.

before i launch into this documentary, i'd like mention two independent black and white films made in the mid 80s. both of them commented on our food today.

Stranger Than Paradise
Eva: What does that meat come from? 
Willie: I guess it comes from a cow. 
Eva: From a cow? It doesn't even look like meat. 
Willie: Eva, stop bugging me, will you? You know, this is the way we eat in America. I got my meat, I got my potatoes, I got my vegetables, I got my dessert, and I don't even have to wash the dishes. 

Mala Noche
i can't remember what exactly Walt Curtis said in the film. but it goes something like we have to kill the animal so we know what we are eating. but now we just buy it from the supermarket, we don't even know where it comes from. god know what it's inside our food. it's just not right.

So do you know your food?
Just watch this documentary and learn something about your food.
I'm not suggesting this is a perfect documentary about food. But I do think this is a very precious chance to glimpse inside the big corporations, that we normally only see their logos and big shinning advertisements. I do think the message sent from the film is quite good. Recommended. These are some shocking facts from the movie Food, Inc:

1. No comment: Robert Kenner, the film's producer, contacted 50 of the largest food producers in America, including Tyson, Monsanto, and Smithfield Farms. None agreed to be interviewed, and none would allow cameras anywhere near their production facilities. Food, Inc. took six years to make, and a large percent of Kenner's production costs went toward legal protection from the aforementioned companies.

2. Grass is good: We've all heard why grass-fed beef is better. But do you really know why it's better? Cows are not designed to digest corn, and when they do, their stomachs become breeding grounds for E.coli bacteria. Five days of feeding grass to Bessie would kill nearly all of this bacteria, but apparently that's too much of a hassle. Instead, meat plants are "washing" ground beef in ammonia and chlorine before packaging it to sell to grocery stores. Delicious.

3. McShit: The average hamburger contains meat from nearly 100 cattle. It gets better. Mass production cows are often raised knee-deep in their own manure. They're butchered so fast that there often isn't enough time to clean them. The end result? Cow pie in your cheeseburger.

4. Something smells rotten: The USDA is allowed to regulate what constitutes organic food and when your milk is past due, but it does not have the authority to shut down a meat plant if they are selling tainted meat. If the USDA can't stop this, who does? No one, that's who. Creepy.

5. Top heavy Hell: The majority of mass-produced chickens are raised in the dark. Their breasts are so large that they're unable to walk. But that's okay, because they're not allowed to. The antibiotics they are fed to keep them breathing in such conditions end up right there in every bite of your sandwich.


above photos happened couple days ago. in canada.
i think this world is mad. everyone is mad.
surely capitalism is sucking our blood, but how could riots help?
i always hate riots, the riot people represent mind-lessness.

this is not the day and age for revolutions, it's way too late.
we are brought up with capitalism, consumerism, and fascism.
the hierarchy is so concrete and unbreakable. why fight?
it's like fighting the darkness itself in the darkness. it's fucking dumb.

everyone is false, everything is false. this world is not for me.
i know i have to go. i know i have leave this crazy world behind. run!

21st Century Schizoid Man

Cat's foot, iron claw,
Neuro-surgeons scream for more,
At paranoia's poision door
Twenty-first century schizoid man.
Blood rack, barbed wire,
Politicians' funeral pyre,
Innocents raped with napalm fire
Twenty-first century schizoid man.
Death seed, blind man's greed,
Poets' starving children bleed,
Nothing he's got he really needs


things will never be the same again.

i appreciate Wong Kar Wai's aesthetics and his ideas for film.
this is one of his best works. i have heard of this film so many times, and have seen many of his other films, i don't know why i just saw it for the first time this week. both chinese name and english name have no direct relationships with the story, though Wong has his own ideas about why it's called what it is. if i have to suggest the name, it would be called...

In the Mood for Love (2000)

The Double Life of Veronique

i will never understand what it feels like to be "not alone"
but i can see the beauty of this film. it's surreal, but comforting.
kieslowski has just become one of my favourite director.
Irène Jacob is absolutely sensational in this film.

La double vie de Véronique (1991)

Rabbit, Run

this is an immense book for me.
i still couldn't overcome the grief this book has given me.

Pandora's Box (1929)

while i was watching this film...
i keep imagine of a free independent woman who lives off her looks, her body, her beauty. she's probably a prostitute but she doesn't degrade herself to be man's products. she can manage her life pretty well, and of course she can satisfy man's desires pretty well too. but i don't know how she's gonna end up with her life. probably a tragic one, like this one. the performance of Louise Brooks as the first femme fatale, Lulu is just astonishing.

Die Büchse der Pandora (1929)
I have heard that you met someone
I have heard that she's all I was not
And I hear that you are safe now, I wake up with the idea every day
And I hear that she is the rightful
Yes they say that you really mean it
And I hate that I love you
And I love you so much that I hate myself

And I am ashamed to ask and I am ashamed to cry
My heart is yours to destroy, let your friends know
And I am ashamed to say that you are left in me
Laugh about it, because then I might be the
How could you drop when she said, I love you, I love you so much that I hate myself

My friends say: 'Wake up
And stop thinking about it "
But what do they do? Now is anyone but me closer
Life before I could, inside and out
I could have had it so forever
But I fell for you and you deserved a nomination for the role you played

There will always be a place for you somewhere
You can close your eyes and never feel lonely
And all would be well now
They have been waiting for this
And I hate that I love you
And I love you so much that I hate myself

Once upon a time, there was a feast
And I went with someone because he reminded you
But then came the dawn, I rose, went out the door
And I went through the early morning
The pure, early morning

And I did not know why I did so
Oh, I did not know why

Random Goodness

Richard Ashcroft and the United Nations Of Sound - Are You Ready
(Yes, I am ready to see you, Mr Ashcroft!)

The Drums - Forever & Ever Amen
(This is Poplife!)

Sade - Somebody Already Broke My Heart
(I love Sade, this is so beautiful)

SLEEP ∞ OVER - Outer Limits
(Dreamy as fuck!)

Stars - Wasted Daylight
(Sweet Stars as ever!)

The Embassy - You Tend To Forget
(This is awesomeness and magic!)

Drake - Fireworks Ft. Alicia Keys
(This is an outstanding track of new album.)

Janelle Monáe - Oh, Maker
(My favourite lyrics: "Just like a candle snuffed at dawn, you're here you're near you're there and then you're gone", "it's amazing that your love was mine~" This is such a great song!)

Whatever Works

"Everybody's happy to talk. Full of misinformation. Morality, science, religion, politics, sports, love, your portfolio, your children, health."

看到這片熟悉的開頭,就是 Woody Allen 慣有的 Opening Credit。令我多了不少驚喜,似乎告訴我這片跟他七八零年代的經典影片有得相比。對於他最近這幾年的影片,我也是有看過的,可是那時候沒看過他早期一點的電影,因此不記得是否都有一樣的開頭。事實上,這部片的確是他在七零年代寫的劇本,原本要給 Zero Mostel,但在 Mostel過世後,這劇本就一直被凍結到現在。難怪這部片從頭到尾都聞的到 Woody Allen 在高峰期那時候,總是碎碎念的對白。

這部片的主角 Boris 其實根本就是 Woody Allen 自己。那種龜毛,嘴賤,總是用他自己的一套哲學去評斷每個人的樣子,根本就是 Woody Allen 。說到底,這也是 Woody Allen 寫的劇本。“Whatever Works”這句 Boris 總是掛在嘴上的哲學,其實就是這個天才 Boris 找到唯一能對付這個瘋狂社會的答案。這世界有太多我們無法理解的事了,所以能怎麼辦? Whatever works! 如果是同性戀,就去愛你的同性伴侶。如果你愛你的韓裔姪子,就娶他當老婆。如果你覺得活不下去,就去跳樓吧。Whatever works!

Little Athletics

This is why I love The Lucksmiths. This little love song really captures how I feel at this moment. We went from perfect strangers to less than perfect friends. (Smirk)

I don’t know when it started
But it’s worse now than before
We could both be broken hearted
It’s so hard to be sure
But what are boyfriends for?

We went from perfect strangers
To less than perfect friends
But it’s the warmest night in ages
And I don’t have to pretend
It’s good seeing you again

And it’s more than a little pathetic
And I’m sure I’ll live to regret it
But I’m all for little athletics
You’re on your own
I’ll race you home

And maybe I’m just thoughtless
But I don’t think that’s fair
Of course we should be cautious
But I’m too tired to care
We’re less than halfway there

And it’s more than a little pathetic
And I’m sure I’ll live to regret it
But I’m all for little athletics, but you’re on your own
I’ll race you home

I don’t know when it started
But it’s worse now than before
We could well be broken hearted
But what are boyfriends for?
I know you’re none too sure


courtesy to Zeon's
with a handful of sincerely yours, service, and information, it's summertime anytime, anywhere

New York, I Love You

there's nothing much to say about this movie.
it's worse than Paris, je t'aime. lack of diversity, depth, insight...
yes, you see lots of stars and some funny bits. but it's just not great.

but it's good to go back to cinema again.
it's been such a long time since i last went to cinema alone.
New York, I Love You (2009)


我現在終於理解為什麼有些歌手在現場表演,就是不會演唱某些歌。不然就是一邊表演一邊痛哭流淚,就像 Beyond的這首MV一樣。就算沒有像家強這麼誇張,也有像 The National 唱 Daughters of The Soho Riot 這樣默默哭泣的。因為Daughters of The Soho Riot的歌詞實在太抽象了,我想只有寫歌的 Matt 自己最清楚背後的故事。不過我想說的就是音樂背後的故事和我們各自不同的個人經歷,讓音樂變的不只是音樂,而是一段沉重的往事。就像李宗盛唱的:「舊愛的誓言像極了一個巴掌 每當你記起一句就捱一個耳光」。到目前為止,還好,被我封鎖的音樂還不算多。不過我以後再也不要跟愛人分享音樂了。因為當他們離我而去時,也把音樂從我身上帶走了... 歌還是留給自己就好。李宗盛,給自己的歌。

A Day in the Life

Favorite song off Sgt. Pepper.

a-JAYS Three

開盒後 :

Jays】是瑞典《Jens of Sweden 》設計事務所生產的耳機,是由一群工程師,設計師和藝術家所組成。從他們的包裝設計到耳機本身的音質,真的看得出這些人的用心。【Jays】已經雖然可以算是新牌子,但到現在已經出了近十款不一樣的耳機了,包括耳罩式的頭戴耳機。a-JAYS的特色就是便宜,而且還有這像陽春麵條般扁的耳機線。這種耳機線除了好看(個人認為),最大的好處就是他不會打結!這個系列有出三種規格。

a-JAYS One 是最基本款的也是最便宜的,但附件只有不同大小的耳塞套。a-JAYS Two 是稍微進階版,除了音質進步一點外,附件裡也多了兩個東西:接飛機插頭的耳機和可以兩個人一起聽的插頭。我買的 a-JAYS Three,是裡面最高級的。除了以上的附件都有配外,以外還有一個可以保護耳機的收納盒。這個收納盒很棒。是個可以旋轉的硬盒子,所以就算放在包包裡壓到也不會傷害耳機,也不會有灰塵跑進去。這種設計實在就甘心ㄟ!

我是不知道別人耳朵的大小如何,可是就以我來說,我帶XS的耳機套剛剛好。耳機帶在耳朵裡也很舒服,並不會一直掉或是會痛。因為我之前是很討厭這種耳塞式的耳機的,可是 a-JAYS Three舒適的設計,把我之前討厭耳塞式耳機的理由通通去除了。只是換耳機套真的非常的機車,我換了半個小時才換完。不過,我並不抱怨,因為設計的真的很棒。我不需要擔心耳機套容易掉的問題。

剛戴上去的時候先是聽了 mp3 player ,聲音出來的並沒有很滿意,感覺有點普通。但多聽了幾天後,重低音的部分明顯增強了(所謂的暖機?),讓我更驚訝的是這樣價錢的小耳機也可以有這樣的音質真的很不錯。這幾天還蠻喜歡 Soulja Boy 的 Successful (我實在很討厭他的歌,不過這首是唯一的意外。忽略他在唱甚麼,那個音樂真的很不錯) ,這首歌沉澱在背景的低音環境加上一拍一拍敲著的 Beat 聽起來真的很棒。另外用這耳機聽 Fever Ray,只有一個字可以形容-爽!我也用電腦聽了 MBV Soon 的 flac 檔。可能是 shoegaze 的關係,吉他聲聽起來還是很破,但是鼓聲絕對是又低又爽快的。其他比較安靜一點的歌,空心吉他聲或是鋼琴聲都是相當清晰的。所以我的總結就是:這是一隻全方面的耳機,不過重低音讓人特別驚艷。特別適合的曲風:電子舞曲,嘻哈。


Bill Murray

Literally, I would watch every film with Bill Murray in it.

Mala Noche (1985)

After viewing, I feel really really sad.
This is an extremely sentimental film.
The blackness of the film matches the mood so well.
The story is simple. The gay protagonist, Walt, loves/lusts the Mexican boy, Johnny. But Johnny is not gay, and does not love Walt at all.

This is Gus van Sant's first film, which he financed himself. Due to financial constraints, they used "no cutting, no stars, no script". Pretty much like the Dogma Cinema. Yet, somehow I do believe this is the best way to show the real characters with real feelings

Mala Noche (1985)

Natural Born Killers (1994)

I absolutely love this film.
But if i have to rate this film, i would only give a 9 out of 10.
If this film could explore depths in humanity, then it would be greater.
However humanity is diminished in this film, as far as the killing goes.

I love the techniques used in this film, editing, camera shotting, etc.
Just amazing, this is a film about excess, everything is excessed.
Too much killing, too much blood, too much violence, everything is out of control. But that's the thing I like about it.
Awesome music soundtrack.  Especially Leonard Cohen's songs.

Natural Born Killers (1994)

Last Dinosaurs @ Cubby Hole 22/5/2010

I was meant to write about them earlier, cuz I was waiting for people to post their live photos. But still, I couldn't find any on the net. So... I will just write about it.

Living in Brisbane, but never know what's going on here, neither news or music scene (I don't watch TV). Just staying home, and discovering new bands from Sweden on myspace. However seeing Last Dinosaurs was a great treat, knowing them are from the city I live, though that still doesn't mean much to me. It was a great treat, because it was a good show. They're young, energetic and have a great single called Honolulu. And they have potential too, especially the guitarist Lachlan. Well, who cares about talents, skills, or genius? This is an "indie" era, it's all about dress-to-impress, feel-good, and have-a-good-time. Definitely going to catch them again at Splendour In The Grass. By the way, this is quite a bad video...

Road Movies


  1. 儘管我們都嚮往在新的地方有個新的開始,但是這世界每個地方都是差不多的。你對你的城市不滿的地方,在其他的每個城市有對會有一樣的問題。It's the same crapness everywhere, so stop dreaming. (From Morvern Callar)
  2. 如果我們真的可以拋下身邊的人,去尋找我們要的東西,去尋找我們的理想。那身邊的人,不管是情人或家人則必須為我們的自由付出代價。If you have the guts to be yourself, other people'll pay your price. (From Rabbit, Run)
  3. 如果你是因為看不慣這個世界而去流浪,或是做某種對社會的反抗。這並不會帶你離開這世界,也不會因為你而改變。因為我們早就被自己的文明所困住了。 There is no escape. 
  4. 公路電影的結局往往是悽慘的。一方面算是對社會的交代,一方面是透露出社會的限度。在 Easy Rider, Thelma & Louise, Into The Wild裡的結局,這些對社會反抗,尋找烏托邦的人到最後都死了。或許唯一只有死才算是最終的escape。
Morvern Callar (2002)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
Easy Rider (1969)
R.I.P Dennis Hopper。在我看這片的前一天,才從新聞上看的這則新聞。雖然他不是我的偶像,但看到他在 Blue Velvet 裡的演出,和執導這部片的重要性,不得不配服他對電影的貢獻。這部片大部分時間都是他和 Peter Fonda 兩人很帥的騎著拉風的摩托車在公路上奔馳,但是真正的戲卻被 Jack Nicholson 給搶走了光彩。而且電影一開始還有 Phil Spector。如果你和我一樣念舊,嚮往著六零年代,應該去找這片來看看。某種程度上,這看起來就像是六零年代的紀錄片。
Kalifornia (1993)
這並不算是公路電影,就以我個人的解讀。比較像 Natural Born Killer ,那種一路狂殺的犯罪電影。這部片很值得看,光是看 Brad Pitt 的演技就夠了,還有Juliette Lewis也很會演。還有看到電影最後, David Duchovny 對於瘋狂殺人魔的結論,說的很對。其實我們每個人都可以是殺人魔,但大部分的我們無法承受殺人帶給我們的罪惡感。而真正的殺人魔,並不會有罪惡感,因為他們甚至不知道殺人的理由。

Y tu mamá también (2001)
The Vanishing (1993)
又是另一部非公路電影。原本是要看德國原版的,可是卻借錯了。而且聽說,原版的比這好萊塢的版本好太多了。所以我也就懶的寫了,等我看了原版後再來比較吧。題外話,除了 The Dude,Jeff Bridges 也蠻適合演 psycho killer的。

The Sporting Life

Nike Writes The Future

Kobe X Andre 3000 X The Beatles

these ads are insanely awesome! time for NBA finals & World Cup!
We like it for all the wrong reasons