my life
it's safe to say that suicide has never come across my mind. but i know the thought is lurking somewhere beneath my ordinary life. life just seems so pointless. lately, i've often thought about what the old woman said in Bergman's film, Scenes from a Marriage (1973):
nothing matters. nothing inspires. nothing surprises.
why am I still alive? why haven't I killed myself? what's the point of dragging on with this meaningless life? I feel old, but not very wise, not wise enough to see the big picture, or just simply wise enough to live. oh, God, I'd believe you if you would lead me...
Something peculiar is happening. My senses, sight, hearing, touch are starting to fail me. Say this table for example, I can see it and touch it. But the sensation is diminished and dry. It's the same with everything. Music, scents, faces, and voices. Everything seems puny, gray, and undignified.this is how I feel lately.
nothing matters. nothing inspires. nothing surprises.
why am I still alive? why haven't I killed myself? what's the point of dragging on with this meaningless life? I feel old, but not very wise, not wise enough to see the big picture, or just simply wise enough to live. oh, God, I'd believe you if you would lead me...
Julian Casablancas, The Cairos @ The Tivoli (06/05/2010)
暖場的澳洲團The Cairos
之前聽他的個人作品,都只停留在專輯的前三首歌。在去這場演唱會前,我很認真的在聽一次這張Phrazes for the Young。甚至還去找了其他的 B-Side歌曲來聽。還有一些 The Strokes 的作品。而且發現,寫歌的 Julian 真的比我想像中的還要有深度。雖然他非常尊重 Oscar Wilde對年輕人的提醒: 「The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible」。表面上,他的確是個很 artificial 的人。不然怎麼會去幫 Lonely Island 唱那智缺的 Boombox?但在他的歌裡面,可以聽得出他誠懇的那一面。在他那渾然天成的酷外表下面,他是有內涵的。
總之,現場又是另一回事。現場的他,除了酷以外還是酷。沒有甚麼其他非常感動我,或是震撼我的東西。音樂是很棒,Backing Band的表演絕對沒話說。但除了這以外,我真的沒有甚麼特別的。 Julian 只是很酷也很賣力的唱而已。雖然唱了我非常非常喜歡的 The Strokes B-side歌曲 I'll Try Anything Once 可是完全沒有感動。那ㄟ安勒?在兩個月的時間,我還會再看到他一次,同時還有其他四個 The Strokes 的團員。可是我不會抱甚麼希望,因為我早就聽說過了他們的現場不會太有趣。不過還是很期待在現場跟著一起唱每一首我都會唱的歌。
Kendal Johansson - Blue Moon
There’s a certain triumphant quality to the track.
Everything in this track just astounds me, and touches me.
Rather different to its beautiful original version by Big Star.
If last year's best cover song is "Sleep All Summer",
then this year has to be this song. SY can never do wrong...
Let me be your one light
And if you'd like a true heart
Take the time to show you're mine
And I'll be a blue moon in the dark.
While you sleep you'll see me there
Clouds race across the sky
Close your eyes and don't ask why
And I'll be a blue moon in your eyes.
Morning comes and sleeping's done
Birds singing outside
If demons come while you're under
I'll be a blue moon in the sky
Let me be your one light
And if you'd like a true heart
Take the time to show you're mine
And I'll be a blue moon in the dark.
Woody Allen Films
this is certainly one of my top WA films. funny, heartfelt, and just about every charm Woody Allen has, it's in this film.
i can tell Woody Allen is trying to be serious like Ingmar Bergman does with this film, but i don't think he achieved it. yes, there're a lot of good philosophy theories, but the film overall is just not as good as i thought.
Professor Levy: We're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices. Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, Human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation. it is only we, with our capacity to love that give meaning to the indifferent universe. And yet, most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even try to find joy from simple things, like their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more.
Kick-Ass (2010)
雖然他指是另一部改編漫畫的電影。但是比起其他的Marvel的電影還要來的真實一點點。老實說,Superhero電影不都是同一個樣,還能搞出甚麼花樣。所以用了這個宅男當主角真的是個聰明的想法。出來的效果滿足那些愛看特效的一般觀眾。編劇的搞笑能力也滿足了一些喜歡看喜劇片的人。簡單說,就是一部娛樂性十足的商業片。特別要說的是那個小女孩 Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz),我很喜歡她,包括這部片跟在 (500) Days of Summer的演出。大有前途。
Zombieland (2009)
一樣又是另一部由宅男當主角的電影。這部片裡惡搞了殭屍片。平常我都不看這類的片的,因為這個題材的乏味可陳。以我個人看來,這根本不是殭屍片,是完完全全的搞笑片。裡面有兩點我要特別說一下。一是主角哥倫布說到在殭屍侵略前,他大多都是個人行動的,因為每個人在他眼裡看來都像是殭屍一樣。在殭屍侵略後的生活,唯一的差別就是每個人真的都變成了殭屍。我覺得這個remark非常的有趣。另外一個就是我看這片的最大驚喜-Bill Murray。
結論: 這兩部片不意外的在IMDB有相當高的評分。但老實說,這根本不代表甚麼,只代表著大眾口味的膚淺。光是好笑的電影就可以有這樣的得分?在把兩部片放在一起寫的時候,發現這兩部片有很多相似之處。Zombieland裡面也有個我很喜歡的小女孩-Abigail Breslin,就是演Little Miss Sunshine的小女孩 (我對小女孩並沒有特別喜好,但這兩個小女孩很有可能是未來的Kirsten Dunst或是Scarlett Johansson。)兩片都在惡搞他們自己的電影類型,兩片都是以宅男當主角。非常的後現代的電影,但這搞不好就是以後"好"電影的趨勢。希望不要,這不是好電影,只是好笑的電影。但我還是推薦看,如果你不想用大腦,想看部好笑的電影,這兩部片會是不錯的選擇。
雖然他指是另一部改編漫畫的電影。但是比起其他的Marvel的電影還要來的真實一點點。老實說,Superhero電影不都是同一個樣,還能搞出甚麼花樣。所以用了這個宅男當主角真的是個聰明的想法。出來的效果滿足那些愛看特效的一般觀眾。編劇的搞笑能力也滿足了一些喜歡看喜劇片的人。簡單說,就是一部娛樂性十足的商業片。特別要說的是那個小女孩 Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz),我很喜歡她,包括這部片跟在 (500) Days of Summer的演出。大有前途。
Zombieland (2009)
一樣又是另一部由宅男當主角的電影。這部片裡惡搞了殭屍片。平常我都不看這類的片的,因為這個題材的乏味可陳。以我個人看來,這根本不是殭屍片,是完完全全的搞笑片。裡面有兩點我要特別說一下。一是主角哥倫布說到在殭屍侵略前,他大多都是個人行動的,因為每個人在他眼裡看來都像是殭屍一樣。在殭屍侵略後的生活,唯一的差別就是每個人真的都變成了殭屍。我覺得這個remark非常的有趣。另外一個就是我看這片的最大驚喜-Bill Murray。
結論: 這兩部片不意外的在IMDB有相當高的評分。但老實說,這根本不代表甚麼,只代表著大眾口味的膚淺。光是好笑的電影就可以有這樣的得分?在把兩部片放在一起寫的時候,發現這兩部片有很多相似之處。Zombieland裡面也有個我很喜歡的小女孩-Abigail Breslin,就是演Little Miss Sunshine的小女孩 (我對小女孩並沒有特別喜好,但這兩個小女孩很有可能是未來的Kirsten Dunst或是Scarlett Johansson。)兩片都在惡搞他們自己的電影類型,兩片都是以宅男當主角。非常的後現代的電影,但這搞不好就是以後"好"電影的趨勢。希望不要,這不是好電影,只是好笑的電影。但我還是推薦看,如果你不想用大腦,想看部好笑的電影,這兩部片會是不錯的選擇。
初纏戀後的二人世界 (1997)
這部片真是太有趣了! 王家衛 X 葛民輝 X 杜可風 三人的crossover!
Saraband (2003)
Ingmar Bergman never disappoint me.
The intensity in his films is always tremendous.
There may not have a lot of structured cinematic plot, pretty much just family drama, but he has done it so well. Also remarkable acting from all the actors.
For me, there are many similarities between the film and my own family. I can say that I can relate to it very much so.
This is his last film, and it's just as wonderful as his other films.
About love, hate, life, death, family...
Also... slowly, I'm starting to appreciate classical music.
Here's the piece of Bach's Sarabande,
which is how the film gets the name from...
MBV - Soon
still sounds like orgasm in an audio form to my ears...
Bilinda is just unbelievable... oh my!
A River Runs Through It
This is a very exquisite film in so many aspects of a film.
Acting, cinematography, emotions, understandings, memories...
Like the movie suggested at the end, this film has everything merging into one, and a river runs through it.
I'm haunted by this movie.
Acting, cinematography, emotions, understandings, memories...
Like the movie suggested at the end, this film has everything merging into one, and a river runs through it.
I'm haunted by this movie.
Wild Nothing - Chinatown
absolutely gorgeous! both the track and the clip!
wild nothing is a new shoegaze pop band.
new LP "Gemini" out May 25.
the clip is from a short film "Clown (1968)" by Richard Balducci.
if you have 15 mins, this is a recommended watch.
wonderful photography, and wonderful Gilou Pelletier (the boy).
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