
不用上課的早上,十一點多昏昏迷迷的醒來,卻不想起床。床軟的像天上的雲朵,全身沒有一處是不舒服不自在的。轉身按掉鬧鈴,還是想多待在床上一會兒。所以我爬到音響上放了Belle & Sebastian的The Boy With The Arab Strap,直接快轉從第二首Sleep The Clock Around開始聽。沒有歌會比這首更適合賴床了!


開場 Metric 的 Emily Haines 好正。完美的金髮。

越來越喜歡 Tricky。這片裡他出現很少,表演也只有一小段而已。

關於 Mazzy Star 的 David Roback,我知道的很少。電影裡也只有一句對白而已。不過幫張曼玉寫的歌真是美好。這張原聲帶很棒!張曼玉雖然沒有完美的歌聲,但歌還是很好聽的。

在 "李郝則" 過世時,不斷的讓我想到最近才剛去世的 Alex Chilton。Alex 後期的人生也非常的慘,住在帳篷裡。他是 Alex Chilton耶!寫出好多好歌的  Alex Chilton。是讓這世上最狂妄不羈的樂隊 The Replacements 歌頌的Alex Chilton 耶!到最後是這樣落魄的死去。令人唏噓不已。或許在天堂的 Alex Chilton跟 Elliott Smith 可以一起雙聲帶合唱 Thirteen。離題了。

關於毒品的解釋,我很認同張曼玉角色所說的。毒品雖然不好,但他是一種 substance。對不同人而言,有他不同的意義。有的需要他過活,有的吸毒只是覺得他們的朋友都吸,所以他們也要試試。就像音樂本身,有些人(像我)就是賴以聽音樂維生的人。有些人聽音樂只是因為他們的朋友聽 indie 的音樂好像就比較酷一點所以就聽。這也沒甚麼不好。只是對於不同的人每樣東西都有不同的見解,和意義。沒有人有資格去批評別人做甚麼事。


我不懂為什麼這部片在 IMDB 的評分會這麼低。But again,別人有別人的見解。如果你跟我一樣喜歡有人性的電影,喜歡搖滾樂,這絕對是部必看的電影。因為以一個搖滾樂迷來說,裡面的場景,你和我都再熟悉不過了,儘管我們不是音樂人,只是愛音樂的人。

Clean (2004)


I absolutely adore Woody Allen.
His lines are unbeatable.
A lot of his lines are like insider joke, you find them funny only if you know people he talked about. And it's goddamn funny.
I love this one and Annie Hall, because I love the cynical, sarcastic, paranoia, egoistic side of him. I can see myself so much in his characters. Even the story is very similar to my life.

Anyway, I have gotta have some faith in people too.

Manhattan (1979)

Yale: You are so self-righteous, you know. I mean we're just people. We're just human beings, you know? You think you're God.
Isaac Davis: I... I gotta model myself after someone.

Mary Wilke: I was tired of submerging my identity to a very brilliant, dominating man. He's a genius.
Isaac Davis: Oh really, he was a genius, Helen's a genius and Dennis is a genius. You know a lot of geniuses, y'know. You should meet some stupid people once in a while, y'know, you could learn something.

Isaac Davis: It's an interesting group of people, your friends are.
Mary Wilke: I know.
Isaac Davis: Like the cast of a Fellini movie.

Isaac Davis: I can't express anger. That's one of the problems I have. I grow a tumor instead.

Isaac Davis: When it comes to relationships with women, I'm the winner of the August Strindberg Award.

This Charming Man

perfect pop song!
swing your flowers, shake your hips, moz
because you're the most charming man!


沒有看過漫畫... 不過這部動畫片真的太震撼太酷炫了!!!
看到DVD的幕後製作的花絮... 真的很不可思議的一部動畫片!


Because I always feel like running Not away, because there is no such place Because, if there was I would have found it by now Because it's easier to run, Easier than staying and finding out you're the only one...who didn't run Because running will be the way your life and mine will be described As in "the long run" Or as in having given someone a "run for his money" Or as in "running out of time" Because running makes me look like everyone else, though I hope there will ever be cause for that Because I will be running in the other direction, not running for cover Because if I knew where cover was, I would stay there and never have to run for it Not running for my life, because I have to be running for something of more value to be running and not in fear Because the thing I fear cannot be escaped, eluded, avoided, hidden from, protected from, gotten away from, Not without showing the fear as I see it now Because closer, clearer, no sir, nearer Because of you and because of that nice That you quietly, quickly be causing And because you're going to see me run soon and because you're going to know why I'm running then You'll know then Because I'm not going to tell you now

Massive Attack @ River Stage 23/03/2010

United Snakes
Babel (with Martina Topley-Bird)
Girl I Love You (with Horace Andy)
Psyche (with Martina Topley-Bird)
Future Proof
Invade Me
Teardrop (with Martina Topley-Bird)
Angel (with Horace Andy)
Safe From Harm (with Deborah Miller)
Inertia Creeps

Splitting the Atom (with Horace Andy and Martina Topley-Bird)
Unfinished Sympathy (with Deborah Miller)
Atlas Air

Jens Lekman Backyard Show @ 19/03/2010

Little Scout as supporting act... sad that everyone was talking so loud. I don't understand why. Maybe it's the way the world is, people go to gigs to socialise instead of enjoy the music. Arhh... I don't understand.

Backyard show is awesome, even tho backyard isn't that awesome.
In fact, it's quite a terrible backyard... huge spider webs everywhere.
However I wish I could go to more of this kind of private little show.

Jens sing many songs that I have already heard last time I saw him.
Like "A Postcard to Nina", "Sipping on the Sweet Nectar", "Black Cab", "Pocketful of Money", A Sweet Summer's Night on Hammer Hill", "The Opposite Of Hallelujah", "Shirin". Apart from that, he also sang about three new songs. One of them is about having argument with himself. Another one is called..."Behind Full of Feathers?!", a response to Tracey Thorn's new song "Oh, The Divorces". And another one that I forgot... but all of them sounds good or funny. The show was really fun. But I wish he could play more of B-side stuffs. "The Cold Swedish Winter", "If You Ever Need a Stranger (to sing at your wedding)", "Sky Phenomenon", "Someone to Share My Life With"... the list can go on and on...

never thought hiphop would take us this far

正確說的話,Hip-Hop是我對西洋樂的啟蒙。但在認識 indie 音樂後,把Hip-Hop這種虛華無實的速食音樂遺棄了。但最近這幾年,經過不同的音樂,慢慢找回當初喜歡Hip-Hop的原因。當然不是那些沒有意義的歌詞,而是那個 "Beat"。

會再重新再聽起Hip-Hop,應該都要歸功於 jj。取樣 Lil' Wayne 的 Lollipop 的 ecstasy 原本在jj n° 2裡面是最不喜歡的歌。但在多聽幾次後,發現這種音樂真的會讓人淪陷。但我還是對Lil' Wayne興趣缺缺。那些主流饒舌歌手對我來說太 hard-core。念了一大堆的詞 says nothing to me about my life。不過喜歡的還有 Lupe Fiasco,Mos Def,Nas,OutKast,Kanye West。除了這些人,最近還發現了Theophilus London

倫敦來自紐約,布魯克林。對我來說,他是Hip-Hop的未來。到目前為止還沒有任何正式的專輯 (正在灌錄中),不過做了兩張非常棒的 mixtape。像上面那張 This Charming Mixtape 呼應著 The Smiths 的 This Charming Man,而封面則是呼應著 Elvis Costello 的 This Year's Model 的封面。在他的Myspace可以免費下載。從他做的 mixtape可以聽出來他廣泛的音樂品味。選歌從Kraftwerk到 Whitney Huston。甚至在他的首發單曲 "Humdrum Town",直接用了The Smiths 的歌 William It Was Really Nothing,當副歌和歌名。這首歌也可以免費下載。而且我覺得 MV 拍的很酷。很有八零年代的 feel。

還有,和 Jesse Boykins III 合作的 "Higher" 是我最近聽過最 sick 的 "Beat"。

Through A Glass Darkly

We draw a magic circle and shut out everything that doesn't agree with our secret games. Each time life breaks the circle, the games turn grey and ridiculous. Then we draw a new circle and build a new defense.
Perfect as it is.

Såsom i en spegel (1961)

floating in a dream

i suppose this is a real dream-pop compilation mix. selections from 1990 to 2010. if you like dream-pop and haven't heard some of these names, might as well try them out. i made this mainly for my own listening pleasure, but no harm sharing with those of you who are interested. btw, the cover people is my recent crush - Swallow.

01. Cocteau Twins - Bluebeard
02. Ghost Society - Better Days
03. School of Seven Bells - Connjur
04. Swallow - Lovesleep
05. Low Sea - Save My Soul
06. Cranes - Beautiful Friend
07. Mazzy Star - Disappear
08. Blonde Redhead - The Dress
09. Slowdive - When the Sun Hits
10. Black Tambourine - Dream Baby Dream
11. Pale Saints - Sea of Sound
12. The Fauns - Lovestruck
13. Asobi Seksu - Taiyo
14. My Bloody Valentine - Blown a Wish
15. A Sunny Day in Glasgow - Close Chorus


Pavement @ The Tivoli 10/03/2010

above photos by Aaron Sammut

The Hexx
Shady Lane
Rattled by the Rush
Two States
Gold Soundz
No Life Singed Her
In the Mouth a Desert
Silence Kit
Father to a Sister of Thought
Kennel District
Range Life
We Dance
Cut Your Hair
Fight This Generation
Summer Babe

Date With IKEA
Trigger Cut
Stop Breathin'
Box Elder

Encore 2:
Elevate Me Later
Conduit for Sale!

他們的現場比我想像中的還要棒太多了!就從讀到的訪問,Stephen Malkmus 自己也說他們的現場通常都很懶散,可是他們的現場真的超級high。或許Stephen說的只是他自己。的確他就躲在他的角落,除了在表演 Grounded solo的時候,和Scott Kannberg 跟 Mark Ibold三個人一起開玩笑似的做了從左邊拉到右邊,自以為很rocker的動作。我想我以後聽到Grounded不可能會忘記這經典的一幕。看他們現場還有很多經典的畫面。像是 Bob Nastanovich 非常歇斯底里的演出,No Life Singed Her,Fight This Generation跟最後一首歌Conduit for Sale!。現場跑來跑去的賣力表現,活像似Beastie Boys的成員。Mark Ibold 整場幾乎都沒有說話,自我陶醉的彈著他自己的 Bass。反而是Bob, Scott, 跟 Stephen三個人碎碎念個沒停。最經典的一幕就是在最後一首歌Conduit for Sale!要結束的時候,Stephen直接衝向鼓手 Steve West身上把他和鼓一起撲倒在地。

還有大家大合唱的...ㄟ,幾乎每一首歌。現場掛著燈泡的舞台,讓現場看起來很像一個在家裡後院辦的派對。沒錯,我想這就是一個溫馨到不行的派對。因為每個人藉著 Pavement 的歌曲,找著回家的路,而在這裡我們終於回到最後的家。曾經我們都經歷過空白,徬徨,無聊的歲月,聽著 Pavement 的歌。在這現場,我們可以盡情的嘶吼著,跟Stephen Malkmus 一起破音的唱著那些我們都很熟悉的歌。Here 雖然只是第一個set的最後一首歌,但當我聽到這首歌的前奏的時候,我的眼眶濕了。我想這世界上最適合做closing的歌曲,這首絕對是前三名。當我發現我跟著一起唱著:"everything is ending here"的時候,我多麼希望這夜晚永遠不要結束。